USA: Increasingly polarized

The decline of civic life in the US is primarily down to the de-facto absence of the freedom of press. This freedom is only proclaimed in words, but in reality, a single point of view is imposed on everyone. This has furthermore exacerbated the divisions in American society. The highly acclaimed primetime TV host, Tucker […]
Сообщение USA: Increasingly polarized появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

US criminal activities in Asia and North Africa. Part 2

The US has also “left its mark” on Yemen, benefiting greatly from its participation in the continuing civil war. Its participation was to back the coalition led by Saudi Arabia to put an end to the rebellion. In this regard, Washington has made massive financial gains by selling weapons worth billions of dollars to Saudi Arabia […]
Сообщение US criminal activities in Asia and North Africa. Part 2 появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

Budget faramineux du Pentagone : la course aux armements hypersoniques

Pourquoi le budget du Pentagone est-il si élevé ? Le 13 mars, l’administration Biden a dévoilé sa demande de budget militaire de 842 milliards de dollars pour 2024, la plus importante (en dollars d’aujourd’hui) depuis les pics des guerres d’Afghanistan et d’Irak. Et encore, c’est avant que les faucons du Congrès ne mettent la main […]

Who Benefits from the Escalation of India-China Controversy?

The main objective of American trade and economic policy towards India is to make New Delhi the primary instrument of the PRC’s containment.  Even though the United States is currently India’s greatest commercial and economic partner, there are some blemishes in the relationship. Many issues addressing the relative closeness of the Indian economy were highlighted […]

US criminal activities in Asia and North Africa. Part 1

The United States has personally witnessed its disastrous foreign policy in West Asia in the twenty-first century, from the force landings to the development of its infamous “democracy” to the alleged surgical strikes. The “success” of Washington’s “destabilization” of the continent with fear and destruction over the past 20 years has come at the cost […]

The Nasty Truth Behind Captagon and the CIA-Mossad Hoax Targeting Assad

The US has been coercing, bribing and blackmailing drug enforcement agencies around the world to cite Syria and President Assad for producing and distributing narcotics around the Middle East. It isn’t hard to figure out that Syria exports nothing.  Syria’s oil and wheat are stolen, there are no Syrian olive oil exports and most of […]

Radio Free Asia: A US Propaganda Organ

On April 26, Mary Zhao, a writer for Radio Free Asia, wrote a bizarre piece attacking China for not providing “transgender girls with necessary medicines,” exposing once again the absurd lengths to which the US propagandists will go to undermine a nation it has targeted. The same day, they posted a cartoon of French President […]
Сообщение Radio Free Asia: A US Propaganda Organ появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

Philippine President’s Trip to the United States

On April 30, Ferdinand Marcos Jr., the president of the Philippines, departed for a five-day trip to the United States of America. In a way, the trip served as the culmination of a number of in-depth assessments designed to probe the stance of all three significant players in the region who form the field of […]
Сообщение Philippine President’s Trip to the United States появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

The President of the Republic of Korea’s Visit to the United States: An Analysis of Key Documents and Statements. Part 3. Russian (and Chinese) Issues at the US and ROK Presidents’ Summit

The context in which Russia was mentioned deserves its own section because, prior to the visit and following Yoon Suk-yeol’s interview with Reuters, many people anticipated or feared that, as a holiday present, the ROK president would solemnly cross the red line and declare that South Korea would change its position on the Ukraine issue […]