Ukrainian corruption allows for chemical dump in farmlands

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator The administration of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been accused of signing an agreement with Alexander Soros, son of billionaire George Soros, allowing the disposal of toxic chemical waste in the fertile farmlands of western Ukraine. On November 7, Soros met with Andriy Yermak, the Chief of Staff to […]

“Hamas is still in power in Gaza, and Israel is losing on the ground,” interview with Tawfieq Toameh

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator The truce in Gaza has collapsed, and Israel has resumed their attacks on the civilians of Gaza. Over 14,000 people have died in Gaza, and about half are children. On Friday, the death toll is increasing once again after days of peace. Philippe Lazzarini, the Commissioner General of UNRWA, […]

“Israel has failed to eradicate Hamas, and empty Gaza of Palestinians,” interview with Dr. Ahmad Alderzi

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator   The events in Gaza and Israel have captured the world’s attention.  With so many factors and moving parts to the situation, it is necessary to take a step back and look at the whole scene.  Dr. Ahmad Alderzi, the noted microbiologist and activist, has been interviewed by Steven […]

Israeli-Palestinian swap success and the road ahead

The first swap of Israeli hostages for Palestinian prisoners has been completed yesterday.  The day prior to the swap was the American Holiday Thanksgiving.  There are certainly Israeli and Palestinian families who are giving thanks to God for their loved ones’ freedom. The western media focused on the older Israeli women and small children being […]

Shame on the US Ambassador to the UN: she has forgotten her roots

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the US Ambassador to the United Nations, has refused to ask for a ceasefire in Gaza to save lives, after more than 12,000 civilians have died, and half are children. Thomas-Greenfield’s policy statements suggest Israelis are deserving of human rights, while Palestinians are not. In 2015, Thomas-Greenfield […]

Les fraudeurs fiscaux ultrariches sont des criminels, pas le lanceur d’alerte qui les a démasqués

Charles Littlejohn, un ancien contractuel de l’Internal Revenue Service, (IRS) a divulgué les déclarations d’impôts des riches pour montrer au public comment les richissimes se jouent de notre code fiscal. Aujourd’hui, il risque une peine de prison. Ils ont arrêté le mauvais criminel. Source : Jacobin, Guthrie ScrimgeourTraduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises En […]

Le soutien de Biden aux crimes de guerre israéliens perpétue une tradition américaine sordide

Ce n’est pas la première fois que les États-Unis utilisent la désinformation pour justifier le ciblage de civils par un allié politique. Source : Truthout, Stephen ZunesTraduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises   Alors que les attaques terrestres de l’armée israélienne contre Gaza s’intensifient et que le nombre de victimes civiles s’alourdit sous le […]

Israel captures Al Shifa Hospital for their Gaza military post

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Israel has insisted that the Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza is sitting on top of a network of tunnels which are the Hamas headquarters in Gaza. The Israeli government have offered no credible proof, and only cite secret intelligence as their source. Lieutenant Colonel Peter Lerner, Israeli army spokesperson, […]