USA Today

Top Five Major Newspapers Run 18 Opinion Pieces Praising Syria Strikes – Zero Are Critical

The Washington times editorial: With Strike on Syria, Trump Sends a Global Message. (Screenshot)
Five major US newspapers—the New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Wall Street Journal and New York Daily News—offered no opinion space to anyone opposed to Donald Trump’s Thursday night airstrikes. By contrast, the five papers ran a total of 18 op-eds, columns or “news analysis” articles (dressed-up opinion pieces) that either praised the strikes or criticized them for not being harsh enough:
New York Times

Kellyanne Conway brushes off Obama’s childish behavior, hints at a Trump – Russia détente

Donald Trump’s top adviser Kellyanne Conway, spoke with USA Today ahead of, what will be, the final stretch towards inauguration day. In the interview Conway discusses Barack Obama’s final days in office, Russian hacking, and the sore loser Democrats.
By now it is no secret that Barack Obama has decided on a scorched earth policy in his transition out of the White House…making sure that the soon to be President Trump inherits as many problems as possible. One of those problems being the “fake news” Russian hacker story conjured up by the outgoing POTUS.

Corporate Media Backing Clinton Exploits Orlando Shooting for Passive Holocaust Denial

By Robert Barsocchini | Empire Slayer | June 16, 2016 Within hours of the mass shooting in Orlando, the corporate media backing neoconservative favorite Hillary Clinton began, almost unanimously, to exploit the opportunity to passively promote holocaust and genocide denial. Outlets including the NY Times, CBS News, NBC News, CNN, Newsweek, USA Today, and so […]

Law Enforcement Misrepresentation of Orlando Killer’s 911 Call Ignores U.S. Foreign Policy Motivation

By Matt Peppe | Just the Facts | June 14, 2016 In the aftermath of the horrific mass murder at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando over the weekend in which 50 people were killed, media including CNN, USA Today, NPR, NBC News, and CBS News, all reported that the gunman called 911 during his murderous rampage […]