the USA

George Floyd killing. America Is On Fire

The George Floyd protests are an ongoing series of protests and riots against police brutality that began as local protests in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul metropolitan area of Minnesota before spreading throughout the United States and then worldwide. The protests began in Minneapolis on May 26, 2020, following the killing of George Floyd, in which Minneapolis Police Department officer Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck for over eight minutes after pinning the handcuffed man to the ground during an arrest.

NATO alliance experiencing not only brain death, but also financial heart failure

The global fight against COVID-19 has devastating economic consequences which might soon be felt in the defense sector. First estimates by OECD and national institutions conclude that the initial economic impact of the measures to fight the virus will by far exceed that of the 2008 financial crisis. The severe socio-economic consequences may tempt European governments to prioritize immediate economic relief over long-term strategic security and defense considerations. The good news is: there is no automatism – it remains fundamentally a political decision.

Real cold war is yet to come. Billions are set aside for global collapse

Recently, the world said goodbye to the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles. This hardly contributed to stability. Now another important document is at stake – START III. This agreement between the United States and Russia regulated the reduction of strategic offensive weapons. In less than a year, its action will cease, but renewal has not yet been counted on.