US Torture

Murdering journalists … Them and Us: The West & the Real Origin of Islamic Fundamentalism

The West’s weapons of choice in the Middle East- Bombs, Invasions, Overthrows, Torture & Drone Attacks
After Paris, condemnation of religious fanaticism is at its height. I’d guess that even many progressives fantasize about wringing the necks of jihadists, bashing into their heads some thoughts about the intellect, about satire, humor, freedom of speech. We’re talking here, after all, about young men raised in France, not Saudi Arabia.

American Exceptionalism and American Torture

Do Americans and the world need yet another reminder that the United States is a leading practitioner of torture?
In 1964, the Brazilian military, in a US-designed coup, overthrew a liberal (not more to the left than that) government and proceeded to rule with an iron fist for the next 21 years. In 1979 the military regime passed an amnesty law blocking the prosecution of its members for torture and other crimes. The amnesty still holds. 1