US Military

US CENTCOM CONFIRMS: US airstrike “accidentally” kills 18 Kurdish rebels in Syria

Time for Trump to launch Tomahawk missiles on US airbases in Iraq, after another horrendous US airstrike killed Kurdish moderate rebels, who are fighting ISIS.
The US-led coalition accidentally struck the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Tabqa on April 11, killing 18 moderate Syrian rebels fighting against ISIS.
The US Central Command said in a press release…

$596 billion budget, 800 plus bases. The massive US military machine summed up in this Infograph

Trump’s budget for 2018, proposes cutting lots of stuff, from the EPA to the NEA and even small cuts at NASA.  One of the few departments that will not see any cuts was the US Department of Defense.
In 2015, Politico estimated that there are 800 U.S. bases abroad. The cots to maintain this massive military global footprint runs up to $100 billion annually.
The Visual Capitalist has summed up the huge US military machine the Infograph and accompanying charts below…

ISIS ‘retreating on almost every front’

Since January  the tide has turned dramatically against ISIS on almost every front
1.  Mosul
The Iraqi army began its operation to liberate Mosul in October.  Contrary to initial expectations it encountered fierce resistance and the first part of the operation, which was focused on liberating Mosul east of the Tigris proved exceptionally difficult.  Eventually eastern Mosul was liberated but only after many weeks of fierce fighting and after the Iraqi army suffered heavy casualties.