US Military

16 Years On: End Goal of Afghanistan is ‘Admit No Failure’

21st Century Wire says…
Today, 7 October 2017, marks the 16th anniversary of United States and British military action in Afghanistan – aka “Operation Enduring Freedom” – and all signs point to a policy of not admitting failure.
The war operation in Afghanistan has indeed been enduring. It has taken countless lives, and for what benefit to the Afghan people? What is the end goal?

NFL Protests Unleash Wave of US Military Pride — Here’s What You’re So Proud Of

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) While millions of Americans throw temper tantrums over professional athletes exercising their freedom to kneel during a song — or, in the eyes of the outraged, to disrespect the military — a new report reveals that same military bombed a school and a crowded marketplace in March, killing dozens of civilians. The report was released Sunday, a day after Trump ignited the NFL hysteria.

Korea Crisis: Trump”losing control of his rhetoric” but without any plan for attack

Shortly after both the Chinese and the Russians expressed their growing exasperation at the war of words between Washington and Pyongyang – for which they are increasingly blaming Washington rather than Pyongyang – US President Trump and the Pentagon have cranked up the war of words further by making more threats against North Korea, some of which some are taking to mean that a US attack on North Korea is imminent