US Military

Newsbud Breaking News- RQ Construction to Build A Contingency Mass Migration Complex In Guantánamo Bay!

On Thursday, 22 February 2018, RQ Construction LLC received over $23 million from the Pentagon to build a Contingency Mass Migration Complex at Naval Station Guantánamo Bay (NSGB). RQ Construction is tasked with designing and constructing buildings, roads, parking lots, and electrical systems. With its headquarters in Carlsbad, California, RQ Construction is no stranger to work […]

As Nation Debates Gun Control, US Military Wants $716 Billion for Next Year

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — As Americans debate domestic gun control following the mass shooting at a Florida high school last week, funding for military arms has evaded public scrutiny. The United States Department of Defense recently released its summary of the 2018 National Defense Strategy (NDS) with little fanfare. The first thing to note is how little media coverage the NDS […]

Mattis Wants to Make US Military Even More Lethal, Needs Another $50 Billion

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Speaking to Congressional Republicans during a visit to Greenbriar resort on Thursday, Defense Secretary James Mattis announced that he believes the US military needs to be made “more lethal,” and pushing for yet more money. After a massive military spending increase last year, Mattis says he wants another $50 billion tacked on for next year. He […]

No Conspiracy: US military seeks to control your Facebook

For years the conspiracy theorists have claimed that Facebook is a CIA front operation, and that it serves as a way to track everyone in the USA.  In the most recent years, especially from the time of the 2016 Presidential elections to now, Facebook, Twitter, Google and other platforms which allow social media have been charged with being biased and “against” the posting and activities of people who dissent with the way the government and powers-that-be want you to think.

Transgenders Allowed to Join Military Eligible for Free Sex-Change Surgery

Allowing transgenders to join the military is contrary to a directive from the Commander-in-Chief President Trump. The Trump administration appealed Judge Kollar-Kitelly’s decision but was rejected. Few transgenders can afford the $100,000 sex-change surgery. Making it free in the military is an incentive for transgenders to enlist. Because of this, the military eventually may have the highest proportion of transgenders of any 'professional' group in the country.

Israeli Official Says​ Few American​ Jews Fight for ​Their Country

Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely referred to American Jews as “people that never send their children to fight for their country. Most of the Jews don’t have children serving as soldiers, going to the Marines, going to Afghanistan, or to Iraq. Most of them are having quite convenient lives...” Hotovely was reprimanded for this statement by Prime Minister ​Netanyahu and forced to apologize for it - not because it is untrue but because it is objectionable.

Poll: Americans Would Cut Middle East War Spending

On November 3, professor John Mearsheimer made a short and stunning presentation at “U.S. Foreign Policy in the Trump Era: Can Realism and Restraint Prevail?” conference held at George Washington University in Washington, DC. In the unipolar world after the collapse of the Soviet Union, he claimed, realists urged nonintervention and staying out of conflicts and countries that “really don’t matter much.”