US Military

Troops Guarding Nuclear Missiles Were Taking LSD, Records Reveal

There are a lot of safe and responsible places people have found over the years to ingest hallucinogens in order to experience their pleasures and explore the challenges their potent properties can present, but it’s a judgement statement to declare that a U.S. military base which houses some of the world’s most powerful atomic weapons would qualify as such a place.

US Syrian missile strike over

After a week of tension the US missile strike on Syria finally came and went today.
Reports from Syria say that the operation is over, having lasted for around one hour.
Moreover this is consistent with what was said by Generals Mattis and Dunford during their Pentagon briefing.
The Pentagon briefing disclosed that “twice as many” cruise missiles were launched at Syria over the course of this strike than were launched against Al-Shayrat air base in April of last year.

American Fighters I -The F-35 Lightning: Half of them don’t fly, they cost way too much, and the US ordered a whole lot of them

It still goes without saying that the United States has been the leader of technologically innovated military hardware. The Russian Federation has recently surpassed it in the very important matter of hypersonic weapons, but the US has had the best and most advanced aircraft in the skies for many years now.
Except that there is a problem.

The last thing the overstretched US military needs is war with Iran

Danny Sjursen is a fellow at Defense Priorities. He served combat tours with U.S. Army reconnaissance units in Iraq and Afghanistan and later taught history at his alma mater, West Point. He is the author of a memoir and critical analysis of the Iraq War, Ghostriders of Baghdad: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Myth of the Surge. Follow him on Twitter at @SkepticalVet.

Putin: US deployed 5 cruisers, 30 destroyers near Russian borders

Russian president Vladimir Putin stated on Thursday March 1st, that the United States has deployed 30 destroyers and five cruisers in close proximity to the Russian borders.

The global US anti-ballistic missile system includes a naval group. These are five cruisers and 30 destroyers, as far as we know, deployed in areas in the immediate vicinity of the territory of Russia…”