US Military

China teams up with Russia in Vostok 2018 military drills. NATO’s worst fear becomes reality (Video)

Russia’s Vostok-2018 drills are scheduled to take place in late August and early September, which will involve Russian troops deployed to the Eastern and Central Military Districts, as well as the Northern Fleet.
This year, China will take part in the strategic military drills. The Chinese Defense Ministry said in a statement on Monday…

“In accordance with an agreement reached by China and Russia, the parties will hold joint military drills at the Tsugol training range in Russia’s Trans-Baikal Region on September 11-15.”

America’s Only Problem With Its Obscene War Budget is That Trump Didn’t Thank John McCain in a Speech

President Donald Trump signed a $717 billion military spending bill on August 14. What made headlines was not the size of the bill or what is in the bill. Rather, most were upset that Trump did not thank Senator John McCain, whose name was put on the bill by his colleagues in Congress to honor him.

Crimea vs. Afghanistan – Which is More Occupied?

Both sides of the aisle can agree on this important thing — which has achieved a growing, bi-partisan, academic and popular consensus in the United States during the past four years.
It is this: the second biggest threat to peace on earth and to the global rule of law (right behind either Trump or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, depending on your affiliation) is the 2014 vote by the people of Crimea to re-join Russia.

The US Army is Quietly Discharging Immigrant Recruits

SAN ANTONIO (AP) — Some immigrant U.S. Army reservists and recruits who enlisted in the military with a promised path to citizenship are being abruptly discharged, the Associated Press has learned.
The AP was unable to quantify how many men and women who enlisted through the special recruitment program have been booted from the Army, but immigration attorneys say they know of more than 40 who have been discharged or whose status has become questionable, jeopardizing their futures.

Trump’s “Infrastructure” Plan: Pump Up the Pentagon

Other than shouting about building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, one of Donald Trump’s most frequently proclaimed promises on the 2016 campaign trail was the launching of a half-trillion-dollar plan to repair America’s crumbling infrastructure (employing large numbers of workers in the process). Eighteen months into his administration, no credible proposal for anything near that scale has been made.

Here’s what you need to know about Trump’s ‘Space Force’

President Donald Trump has just ordered the Department of Defense to create the Space Force, as the sixth branch of the US Military. The biggest question everyone is asking, is will this force be established with peaceful intentions, and what is the purpose and mission of this ‘space force’?
American Dominance
All you need to know can be summed up by this quote via the BBC: