US Military

Afghanistan: 19 Years of War

Afghan children play in the bombed out rubble of the Darul Aman Palace in Kabul, amidst a photo exhibition marking four decades of Afghans killed in war and oppression (Photo: Maya Evans) The NATO and US backed war on Afghanistan was launched 7th October 2001, just a month after 9/11, in what most thought would […]
The post Afghanistan: 19 Years of War first appeared on Dissident Voice.

US military seeks to “create new base in Syria” – Syrian journalist

Red Lines host Anya Parampil speaks with Syrian journalist Bashar Barazi, the correspondent for HispanTV in Damascus, about recent developments in the country. By Anya Parampil They discuss the impact of the new “Cesar sanctions” on the Syrian public, US and Turkish maneuvers within Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s recent visit to the country, as well as the average Syrian’s response to efforts from Gulf countries to normalize relations with Israel. Barazi explains why he believes the US is […]

US military seeks to “create new base in Syria” – Syrian journalist

Red Lines host Anya Parampil speaks with Syrian journalist Bashar Barazi, the correspondent for HispanTV in Damascus, about recent developments in the country. By Anya Parampil They discuss the impact of the new “Cesar sanctions” on the Syrian public, US and Turkish maneuvers within Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s recent visit to the country, as well as the average Syrian’s response to efforts from Gulf countries to normalize relations with Israel. Barazi explains why he believes the US is […]

Will a Biden Foreign Policy Make a Difference for the World?

The “left” rationalization for collaborating with the neoliberal wing of the democrat party is premised on the argument that a win for the national Democrat candidate translates into better possible policy outcomes for the “people” and nation. More importantly though, they assert, Trump’s defeat will alter the rightist trajectory of U.S. politics away from what they refer to as Trump’s neofascist inclinations.

Yemen: A Torrent of Suffering in a Time of Siege

When evil-doing comes like falling rain, nobody calls out “stop!”  When crimes begin to pile up they become invisible. When sufferings become unendurable, the cries are no longer heard. The cries, too, fall like rain in summer.
— Bertolt Brecht, “When evil-doing comes like falling rain” [Wenn die Untat kommt, wie der Regen fällt] (1935), trans. John Willett in Poems, 1913-1956, p. 247