US Military

A Taste of Panic: The Taliban Continues its Advance

The historical vectors are moving with conviction and purpose; the weak and lacking in conviction are in retreat and the gun is doing the talking.  The government of Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, the security services and the Afghan National Army, seem to be either huddled in despair, capitulating or fleeing before the inexorable advance of […]
The post A Taste of Panic: The Taliban Continues its Advance first appeared on Dissident Voice.

China’s Post-Pandemic Growth:  Reaching Out and Developing Internal Markets and Well-being

“Post-Pandemic” for many countries, especially western countries, is a dream. The west will have to wake up fast, if it doesn’t want to fall prey to a destructive plan of chaos, unemployment, bankruptcies, and, yes, famine – shifting of capital from the bottom and the middle to the top – and leaving misery at the […]

Reminder: The U.S. Gov’t Lies, Manipulates, and Kills Without Remorse

On July 25, 1990, Saddam Hussein entertained a guest at the Presidential Palace in Baghdad: U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie. She told the Iraqi president: “I have direct instructions from President (George H.W.) Bush to improve our relations with Iraq. We have considerable sympathy for your quest for higher oil prices, the immediate cause […]

Exclusive: Haitians Reject Calls For US Military Intervention

U.S. media has called for a U.S. military intervention in Haiti following the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse. MintPress News spoke to Haitians to ask them what they think about a possible fourth U.S. military invasion of Haiti since 1915.
The post Exclusive: Haitians Reject Calls For US Military Intervention appeared first on MintPress News.

Afghanistan, Failure and Second Thoughts

It is a country other powers simply cannot leave alone.  Even after abandoning its Kabul post in ignominy, tail tucked between their legs, Australia is now wondering if it should return – in some form.  The Department of Trade and Foreign Affairs has been sending out a few signals, none of them definitive.  “We will […]
The post Afghanistan, Failure and Second Thoughts first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Afghanistan War Outcome: Hope for Sovereign Nations Fighting the Scourge of Neocolonial Imperialism

Photo credit from the archives of Newsonline Exits of Netanyahu and Trump: chance to dial down Mideast tensions The Iraqi geopolitical analyst, Ali Fahim, recently said in an interview with The Tehran Times: “The arrival of [newly elected Iranian President] Ebrahim Raisi at the helm of power gives a great moral impetus to the resistance […]

US Military supporting illegal alien “invasion” as Democrat op continues [Video]

The oath of office for the Presidency of the United States is very simple: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” The oath for the […]

US Targets Nicaraguan Presidential Election

Before Henry Kissinger became a Clinton pal, liberals condemned him for saying: “I don’t see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its people. The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves.” The 1973 US-backed coup […]
The post US Targets Nicaraguan Presidential Election first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Afghanistan: Deadly Costs of a War for Profit Won by the Taliban

As the United States and NATO‘s war in Afghanistan struggles to end, most observers and commentators, at least in the West, are still either delusional enough or more likely paid enough, not to publicly recognize a basic evidence: the Taliban are in the process of winning the 20-year war, which is the United States’ longest […]

Leaving Bagram Airbase: The Day the US Imperium Turned Tail

From the Bagram Airbase they left, leaving behind a piece of the New York World Trade Centre that collapsed with such graphic horror on September 11, 2001.  As with previous occupiers and occupants, the powers that had made this venue a residence of war operations were cutting their losses and running. Over the years, the […]
The post Leaving Bagram Airbase: The Day the US Imperium Turned Tail first appeared on Dissident Voice.