US Imperialism

Gilets Jaunes: Catalyst for a Global Movement?

France is at a crossroad. A fairly benign bread-and-butter protest has turned into a major popular dissent putting in question France’s political system. It is new, unheard of, and because we live in the digital age, with immediate communication, the world is not only watching, but there is a contagious factor to it, which in the Anglo-Saxon world is called “Yellow Vests Movement”. In what could be a healthy contagion of a social yellow fever of dissent, this polymorphic movement has already spread to 25 countries and counting.

The Global Rise of Fascism: Capitalism End Game?

It is everywhere. In a few years, it has metastasized like a cancer, on all continents. Its fervent proponents and ill-informed supporters call it populism or nationalism. In the Italy, Germany, or Spain of the 1930s, however, this ideology of exclusion and fear, defined by a hatred of the other, together with a tyrannical executive power, was called by its proper name: fascism. Mussolini in Italy, Hitler in Germany and Franco in Spain were the bloodthirsty tenors of capitalism’s symphony orchestra, singing the deadly opera quietly conducted by the military-industrial complex.

Porkins Policy Radio ep. 157 The Chris Benoit Files w/ Keelan Balderson and US Destabilization in Nicaragua w/ Daniel Kovalik

Return guest Keelan Balderson of was my guest in the first hour. We discussed his recently remastered documentary “The Chris Benoit Files.” The film explores the brutal murder/suicide of WWE star Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy, and seven year old son Daniel Benoit. Keelan breaks down the three day long crime which ended with Chris Benoit’s suicide. Keelan attempted to dispel many of the popular conspiracy theories as we attempted to understand how such an extreme and horrific act could be committed.

Seven Years of Killing Fields in Syria: An Imbroglio of Proxy Wars

We are reaching the seventh-year anniversary of the tragic conflict in Syria, which seems to evolve and get more complex as time goes on. If nothing else, with the recent downing of an Israeli F16 by the Syrian army of Bashar al-Assad, which was the first time an Israeli jet was shot down for breaching Syrian air space, the conflict could even grow, with sustained intrusions from Israeli military forces in Syria and tit-for-tat retaliations against Israel by Hezbollah opening a front between Israel and Lebanon.