US Foreign Policy

Zionist Agents Drove Mass Jewish Exodus From Arab Countries, According To Israeli Historian

In a recently published memoir, written by Israeli-British historian, Avi Shlaim, new evidence was published on a series of false-flag attacks that were carried out by Zionists who were working on behalf of the Mossad in 1950-51. The information presented adds to the evidence that counters one of Tel Aviv’s top propaganda points, which it Read More...

Debunking Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s Pro-Israel Talking Points

US Democratic Party Presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr recently sat down with celebrity rabbi Shmuley Boteach at an event in New York to perform a pre-prepared set of pro-Israel talking points. This came after the politician stated that Covid-19 didn’t affect Jewish and Asian people as much as White and Black Americans, drawing complaints Read More...

Testimony from US government and military officials, and other experts, on the role of NATO expansion in creating the conditions for the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Testimony from US government and military officials, and other experts, on the role of NATO expansion in creating the conditions for the Russian invasion of Ukraineby Ian Sinclair20 July 2023 In February 2022 Russian began its aggressive and criminal invasion of Ukraine. Since then some commentators have dismissed the argument that NATO, specifically NATO’s expansion/enlargement […]

Israel’s Netanyahu Government Comes Under Internal Pressure, Looks For A Way Out

The Israeli public have again escalated their demonstrations, both against and for the current far-right coalition government’s planned legal system overhaul, leading to violence, road blockages, and calls on US President Joe Biden to condemn Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. As the civil unrest picks up, will the Israeli leadership look for a way out Read More...

The UK Again Lashes Out At Iran, Corporate Media Continues To Peddle Propaganda

The UK Government took steps to further sanction the Islamic Republic of Iran, gaining instant praise from Washington, in what is primarily going to be a symbolic move with little real world impacts. What appears to be a tantrum from the British government, over the successes of Iran, coincidentally comes just prior to their “planned” Read More...

US Sends Illegal Cluster Bombs To Ukraine, The “Safe & Effective” Lie & UN’s Global Emergency Powers

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/8/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth Read More...

Street Protests In France Do Not Represent “An Invasion”, It Is The Other Way Around

The riots and widespread street protests across France, following the murder of an unarmed 17-year-old, Nahel Merzouk, at a traffic stop, has sent shockwaves throughout a nation that has already been struck by instability. However, the way that the unrest is being reported in many media outlets is misleading and refuses to give proper context Read More...

Vanessa Beeley Interview – The Wagner Play, The Syria Connection & The Coming Ukrainian False Flag

Joining me today Vanessa Beeley, here today to get us caught up on some new developments in Syria, a possible connection between the actions taking place in Syria with what recently took place in Russia involving the Wagner Group, and the reality of the western agenda in the Middle east.   ( (   Source Links Read More...

After Ukraine Slams Israel’s Relations With Moscow, Will Tel Aviv Change Its Stance On The War?

Ukraine’s ambassador to Israel, Yevgen Korniychuk, was summoned to provide answers for his blistering critiques of Tel Aviv’s relations with Moscow, attempting to paint the Israeli government as deviating from a moral path due to its inability to cut relations with Russia. Despite the various means of support that Israel has provided to Kiev, it Read More...