US Foreign Policy

An Israeli Civil-War Brewing Over Judicial Overhaul, Or A New War?

In July, the Israeli Knesset ratified the first of a wave of bills that seek to curtail the powers of Tel Aviv’s supreme court, dividing Israel’s Jewish population between supporters of the current “liberal western democracy” model and those seeking a more radical system. While hundreds of thousands of Israeli protesters packed the streets, Israeli Read More...

Israel’s Ambassador Protests For Iranian Women, But Slaughtering Palestinian Women Is Fine

As the President of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, delivered a speech at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on Tuesday, Israel’s UN ambassador attempted to disrupt the speech by holding up a photo that called for the “freedom” of Iranian women, before being escorted out of the building. Western media ate the story up and act Read More...

Might Syria Become a Gateway of the New Silk Road with Assad-Xi Summit?

This week, President Bashar al Assad will be visiting Beijing on the direct invitation of President Xi Jinping and will be accompanied by a large economic delegation where the discussion of Syrian re-construction and integration into the Belt and Road initiative will be high on the agenda. Ever since President Bashar al-Assad first announced the Read More...

Black Lives Don’t Matter To Israel And The West Turns A Blind Eye

In what has been almost completely ignored in Western corporate media, and by the US government, following a confrontation in Tel Aviv between Eritrean immigrant protesters and the police, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has openly called for the expulsion of African refugees. Despite a long history of racist abuse against black people and refugees Read More...

Israel Wants Conflict In Syria’s Suwayda To Re-Kindle Devastating War

On August 20, protests erupted in the Druze-majority Syrian city of Suwayda over a decision from the Damascus government to cut subsidies for basic items such as fuel. As strike action continues, along with popular non-violent protests, fears again emerge that the situation could quickly turn violent and that the Syrian war could once again Read More...

The Biden Administration’s Relations With Israel Aren’t Going To Change, Here’s Why

The US government’s long-held position of unconditional support for Israel is seemingly being placed under duress, due in large part to the current push from the regime in Tel Aviv towards a legal system overhaul. As Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, bars his ministers from traveling to Washington, speculation has arisen of a breakdown in Read More...

Vanessa Beeley Interview – Revival Of “Syrian Revolution” Regime Change Lie & Its Ties To Ukraine

Joining me today is Vanessa Beeley, here to discuss what appears to be the West’s revitalization of the “Syrian Revolution” or “Syrian civil war” fabrication. This has always been a war of aggression, an invasion with the primary objective of regime change to better suit the interests of the western governments. As the 2024 election Read More...

The US Biden Administration Desperately Attempts To Push Israeli-Saudi Normalization

US national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, visited Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed Bin Salman, in Jeddah to discuss a number of important issues concerning both nations, however, the issue of Israeli-Saudi normalization has taken center stage. As Israel and Saudi Arabia have both had bumpy relations with the US Biden administration, such a deal makes little Read More...

All Across The World The US Gov Is Arming Terrorists & Destabilizing Nations In Your Name

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (8/22/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth Read More...

Swedish Embassy Stormed Over Quran Burning; A Mossad Conspiracy & New US Troop Deployment To Iraq

The US government, along with its European allies, have condemned the storming of Sweden’s embassy in Baghdad by hundreds of Iraqi protesters who demonstrated against Stockholm’s sanctioning of Quran burning events. The incident, coupled with a fallout between the Iraqi Presidency and a pro-Western Christian leader, is making headway in Western mainstream and social media. Read More...