US Foreign Policy

ICC Dropping Inquiry Into British War Crimes In Iraq Shows Failure Of International Legal System

The International Criminal Court (ICC) decided, on December 9, to abandon its inquiry into war crimes committed by British forces during the Iraq war, despite its investigation having concluded that there were reasonable grounds to believe war crimes were in fact committed. Fatou Bensouda, the ICC’s Chief Prosecutor, announced in a public statement that she Read More...

Will Biden’s America Stop Creating Terrorists?

(Photo Credit:  CODEPINK) Joe Biden will take command of the White House at a time when the American public is more concerned about battling coronavirus than fighting overseas wars. But America’s wars rage on regardless, and the militarized counterterrorism policy Biden has supported in the past—based on airstrikes, special operations and the use of proxy […]

What is the United States of America? A Military Democracy

Military leader, council, assembly of the people are the organs of gentile society developed into military democracy – military, since war and organization for war have now become regular functions of national life. Their neighbors’ wealth excites the greed of peoples who already see in the acquisition of wealth one of the main aims of […]

Foreign Policy With Robert Inlakesh – An Iranian Commander Was Not Killed In Syria, All Evidence Suggests

Welcome to Foreign Policy with Robert Inlakesh. In this show Robert dives into some of the most important foreign policy discussions of today while highlighting the most important information – primarily that which is missed, excluded or misrepresented by the MSM.

How the media ignores the deadly impacts of UK military intervention

How the media ignores the deadly impacts of UK military interventionby Ian SinclairMorning Star24 November 2020 US journalist Glenn Greenwald’s tweet declaring he has “never encountered any group more driven by group think and rank-closing than British journalism” is an evergreen observation. It’s especially accurate during times of war, with the air campaign waged by […]

Insanity reigns: The US, Israel and Iran

All too often, events occur that make me feel that I am living in ‘Bizarro World’. The recent talk and extensive US corporate media coverage about whether or not the US and/or Israel will soon attack Iran is one of these occasions. The alleged rationale for such an attack is the possibility that Iran might […]
The post Insanity reigns: The US, Israel and Iran first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Eisenhower’s Ghost Haunts Biden’s Foreign Policy Team

In his first words as President-elect Joe Biden’s nominee for Secretary of State, Antony  Blinken said, “we have to proceed with equal measures of humility and confidence.” Many around the world will welcome this promise of humility from the new administration, and Americans should too. Biden’s foreign policy team will also need a special kind of confidence to confront the most serious […]