US Foreign Policy

US Registry Of Yemen’s Houthis As “Foreign Terrorist Organization” Only Serves To Exacerbate Genocide

The US Trump Administration announced this Monday that they would register Yemen’s Ansarallah (Houthis) Movement as a terrorist organisation, amidst fears from the UN of derailing peace talks between the group and the Saudi-backed opposition government. Yemen is currently facing the largest humanitarian crisis on the planet, with roughly 80% of the country’s population in Read More...

The Leopard Doesn’t Change its Spots: US Foreign Policy Under Biden

It is a great pity that the Australian mainstream media is so narrow in its choice of sources for stories to appear on its pages and in its telecasts. This point was vividly brought home to me when I read in the English language version of the Russian website (truth) about the alleged killing […]
The post The Leopard Doesn’t Change its Spots: US Foreign Policy Under Biden first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Are The US And Israel Planning War On Iran, Using False-Flag Pretext?

The US policy of “maximum pressure” on Iran, via sanctions, has only escalated during the final months of Donald Trump’s presidency. Possible strikes on Iran by the United States are being taken seriously as Iran’s foreign minister claims Israel could be planning false-flag attacks to ignite a war. Iran’s Foriegn Minister, Javad Zarif, warned on Read More...

UK Vaccine Mix n’ Match & WHO Says ‘Only Limited Inconsistent Evidence’ Of Mask Protection

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (1/3/20). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth Read More...

It was the Blair and Bush, not Saddam Hussein, who lied about Iraq’s WMDs

It was the Blair and Bush, not Saddam Hussein, who lied about Iraq’s WMDsby Ian SinclairMorning Star21 December 2020 As the famous quote – commonly attributed to US writer Mark Twain – goes: “a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes”. It shouldn’t be surprising, then, […]

Gaza Is ‘Unlivable’ And Israel Is About To Make It Even Worse

According to experts at the United Nations, the Gaza Strip was projected to have become unlivable by the beginning of 2020. We are now heading into 2021 and Israel has decided to make the situation even worse, without any backlash from the International Community. Experts at the UN had speculated back in 2012 that Gaza Read More...

Five Outrageous Items Snuck in the ‘COVID Stimulus’ Bill

As Americans wait for their $600 stimulus check, the rich get richer and the U.S. government ignores the needs of the people. The U.S. Congress has approved the largest spending bill ever, disguised as a “COVID-19 Stimulus Bill”. The “Consolidated Appropriations Act 2021” has been promoted by politicians and mainstream media as a government effort Read More...

China’s Rise in the Context of Global Capitalism

The world-system is slowly changing. For the first time in capitalism’s history, the global economy’s centre of gravity is shifting away from the west – a process which is a result of Uneven and Combined Development (UCD). On the one hand, dominant states utilize imperialism to preserve existing uneven configurations of capitalist development which favour […]

Democratic Party Fascism: 2020 Edition

Now that Joe Biden will be America’s next president, it might be worthwhile to take a closer look at some of the choices for his cabinet, White House staff, and national security positions. There are some real crazies here, as we shall see. As we dig deeper and deeper, what emerges is a network of […]
The post Democratic Party Fascism: 2020 Edition first appeared on Dissident Voice.