US Foreign Policy

Israel’s Threats Against Iran Are Really Aimed At The US

The Chief of Staff for Israel’s military, Aviv Kochavi, broke headlines with his threats to attack Iran, in order to prevent what he calls Iran’s “advance to a [nuclear] bomb”. With many fearing Israel may launch strikes against Iranian military/nuclear facilities, it is more likely that the threats were made for Biden’s ears. Israel’s Lt. Read More...

The Israel-UAE Project Which Will Damage Egypt And Force Saudi Normalization

The revival of the ‘new Hejaz railway’ project, between the United Arab Emirates and Israel, has been largely ignored by the Western media, despite having a significant impact on the direction of US President, Joe Biden’s, Middle East foreign policy. Proposed in 2018 Israel’s then Minister of Transportation, Israel Katz, had first brought up the Read More...

What Happened to JFK and a Foreign Policy of Peace?

Sixty years ago, John F Kennedy (JFK) was inaugurated as president of the USA. In less than three years, before he was assassinated in November 1963, he initiated major changes in foreign policy. These foreign policy changes are documented in books such as JFK and the Unspeakable (2008) and Betting on the Africans (2012). One […]
The post What Happened to JFK and a Foreign Policy of Peace? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The Trump-Biden Transition in the Wake of the Capitol Building Riot

The Capitol building riot of January 6 marked the messiest transition in recent history of ruling class power from one chief executive of the capitalist world to the next. If that history is any guide, the change of guard neither portends better treatment of working people nor a reduction of the threat of fascism. Trump […]

The “Insurrection” and Its Discontents: “American Exceptionalism” Revisited 

History is being written in the United States today. Even the most pessimistic about the prospects of American democracy have rarely ventured out this far while offering a bleak analysis of America’s future, whether in terms of political polarization at home or global standing abroad. As shocking and, certainly, telling as the images of thousands […]

The “humanitarian” left still ignores the lessons of Iraq, Libya and Syria to cheer on more war

The instinct among parts of the left to cheer lead the right’s war crimes, so long as they are dressed up as liberal “humanitarianism”, is alive and kicking, as Owen Jones reveals in a column today on the plight of the Uighurs at China’s hands. The “humanitarian war” instinct persists even after two decades of […]

US Foreign Policy Under Joe Biden Does Not Look Promising

All indicators from the Biden Administration, point to a continuation of an aggressive pro-war foreign policy, especially in the Middle East. The initial positions on issues of Foreign Policy set forward by newly appointed Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, seem to point towards a continuation of the wars in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. In the Read More...

While The World Is Distracted By COVID, Those Under The Yoke Of US Foreign Policy Suffer Immensely

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (1/23/21). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth Read More...

Foreign Policy w/ Robert Inlakesh – Yemen: Trump Designation Of Houthis As Terrorists Will Worsen War

Welcome to Foreign Policy with Robert Inlakesh. In this show Robert dives into some of the most important foreign policy discussions of today while highlighting the most important information – primarily that which is missed, excluded or misrepresented by the MSM.

If Anything The United States Is The “Home Base” Of Al-Qaeda, Not Iran

In a speech delivered this Tuesday, at the Washington Press Club, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claimed that the new “home base” of Al-Qaeda is Iran. He did so without any evidence to support his claim. Why has this been taken so seriously? The claim that Iran is somehow hosting, aiding and abetting al-Qaeda, Read More...