US Foreign Policy

Governments Are Using COVID Hysteria To Hide Their War Crimes, With The Complicity Of Western Media

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/17/21). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth Read More...

The “Return” of America: Biden’s Maiden Foreign Policy Speech

Few could have been slack-jawed at the first significant foreign policy speech of US President Joe Biden.  It can easily be filed under the “America is back” label.  Back as well, as if the previous administration had been incapable of it, was a promise for that practice unflatteringly called jaw-jaw.  “Diplomacy,” the President states from […]

Is Biden Committing Diplomatic Suicide Over the Iran Nuclear Agreement?

Photo Credit:  CODEPINK As Congress still struggles to pass a COVID relief bill, the rest of the world is nervously reserving judgment on America’s new president and his foreign policy, after successive U.S. administrations have delivered unexpected and damaging shocks to the world and the international system. Cautious international optimism toward President Biden is very […]

The West Refuses To Recognize Palestinian Democratic Election Outcomes

Palestinian Authority (PA) President, Mahmoud Abbas, announced in January, that Palestinian legislative and presidential elections will take place later this year. Since this announcement, questions have been raised as to whether the election will end up doing more harm than good, with Western interference and rejection of the results likely to take place, as well Read More...

Israel Calls ICC Antisemitic For Deciding It Has Jurisdiction Over War Crimes

On Friday the International Criminal Court (ICC)’s Pre-Trial Chamber ruled through a unanimous decision that it has jurisdiction in the Palestinian occupied territories (POT), meaning that the ICC’s prosecutor can pursue convicting Israel of warcrimes in the POT’s. The ICC’s Chief Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, as of Friday’s ICC decision, now has the ability to hold Read More...

Joe Biden Is Not Ending The War On Yemen

US President Joe Biden broke international headlines this Thursday, announcing that the United States would end its support for Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen. The announcement was met with much praise, however, the reality is that Biden is not ending the war at all. The speech delivered by President Biden, outlining the intended direction of Read More...

Biden Continues Policies Which Put Kids In Cages, In Syria

Joe Biden and his Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, backed policies towards Syria which saw innocent children separated from their families and placed in cages. But the worst part of it, is that they have no quarrels with doing it again. Despite many having celebrated US President, Joe Biden’s, alleged policy position of eliminating the Read More...

The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

Image:  Calvin Shen In 2004, journalist Ron Susskind quoted a Bush White House advisor, reportedly Karl Rove, as boasting, “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.” He dismissed Susskind’s assumption that public policy must be rooted in “the reality-based community.” “We’re history’s actors,” the advisor told him, “…and you, […]
The post The Decline and Fall of the American Empire first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Does Iran’s Government Persecute Its Christian Population?

A report published last year by experts working at the United Nations has been repeatedly cited, especially throughout Right-Wing press in the United States, as proof that Iran persecutes its Christian population for practicing their faith. But are these charges true, or is there more to the story? Iran’s constitution unequivocally protects the rights of Read More...

A New U.S. Foreign Policy

President Biden has inherited a terribly flawed US foreign policy. For the past few decades, the pro-corporate US foreign policy has been a catastrophic failure, especially in the Middle East. Our criminal military interventions there have resulted in the devastation of much of that area, impoverished millions, created millions of refugees, and injured or killed […]
The post A New U.S. Foreign Policy first appeared on Dissident Voice.