US Foreign Policy

Nicaragua: Building The Good Life (Buen Vivir) Through Popular Revolution

As I traveled in Nicaragua on the recent Sanctions Kill delegation, one thing was clear:  social transformation (revolution) requires both political power and participation by the people. Without political power, revolutionary programs will not have the material resources they require. Without the participation of the people, revolutionary programs, even with resources, cannot be put into […]

China Aces Western Hypocrisy

There’s a new dawn evident: China is not putting up with what it sees as hypocritical Western interference in its sovereign affairs. Sanctions are being met with rapid counter-sanctions, and Chinese officials are vociferously pointing out Western double standards. There was a time when the United States and its allies could browbeat others with condemnations. […]
The post China Aces Western Hypocrisy first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Reimagining US Foreign Policy

Since the end of WWII, especially since the breakup of the Soviet Union, it appears as if US political leaders feel they are trapped in a time warp and are unable to break free. They seem to believe that they must repeat the same disastrous foreign policy of regime change over and over. Since 9/11, […]
The post Reimagining US Foreign Policy first appeared on Dissident Voice.

From the Earth to the Moon: Biden’s China Policy Doomed from the Start

A much anticipated American foreign policy move under the Biden Administration on how to counter China’s unhindered economic growth and political ambitions came in the form of a virtual summit on March 12, linking, aside from the United States, India, Australia and Japan. Although the so-called ‘Quad’ revealed nothing new in their joint statement, the […]

The Ongoing Calamity: US Collective Punishment of the Venezuelan People Must End

Recent statements made by US officials suggest that Washington will continue to pursue a hardline policy on Venezuela. The new Biden Administration, however, needs to urgently rethink its approach. US State Department spokesperson, Ned Price, remarked on February 3 that he “certainly” does not “expect this administration to be engaging directly with (President) Maduro.” Namely, […]

Ten Problems With Biden’s Foreign Policy and One Solution

The Biden presidency is still in its early days, but it’s not too early to point to areas in the foreign policy realm where we, as progressives, have been disappointed — or even infuriated. There are one or two positive developments, such as the renewal of Obama’s New START Treaty with Russia and Secretary of […]
The post Ten Problems With Biden’s Foreign Policy and One Solution first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Western Media Is Using Women’s Rights In Afghanistan To Justify Continuation Of US Troop Presence

US President Joe Biden has until May 1 to pull what we’re told are the remaining 2,500 US troops out of Afghanistan, one of “forever wars” he has promised to disengage from. However, the MSM – no doubt aware of just how unlikely this move is for any US president – is working to preemptively Read More...

Ring Out The Old: Ring In The Old

While our sacred democracy was allegedly being served by a stupid attempt to unsuccessfully impeach an ex-president for the second time and essentially tell more than 70 million Americans that they might as well vote for Pavlov, FDR, Hitler or Oprah Winfrey since any alleged exercise of supposed freedom on their part would be meaningless […]
The post Ring Out The Old: Ring In The Old first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The health which I see is disease (… if the Hierarchical Church so defines)

Gates:  The Fauci Project In the Spiritual Exercises, Ignatius Loyola, the man credited with the establishment of the Society of Jesus, to which the reigning Roman Catholic pontiff belongs, stipulated Rules to have the true sentiments, which we ought to have in the Church Militant. The thirteenth rule is: To be right in everything, we […]

Anti-Communist Political Science: Propaganda for the Yankee Capitalist State

Orientation I returned to college 20 years after dropping out in the late 1960s. After a couple of weeks in the political science class I was taking, I challenged the instructor by asking:  “Where are the Marxists and anarchists in your presentation of political science?” Here is what I was told. “Marxists and anarchists are […]