US Foreign Policy

The Middle East Is No Longer The US’s Backyard, It’s Over

US President Joe Biden’s visit was a complete failure and shows that Washington no longer possesses the power that it claims over the region — neither diplomatically, nor militarily. The Biden administration failed to achieve any of its primary objectives in the region with his visit and instead of sending a strong message to its Read More...

Biden’s Middle East Visit Undermines Regional Security

US President Joe Biden’s visit to the Middle East has signaled disaster for regional security and affirmed that Washington is seeking to escalate tensions, rather than favor dialogue and compromise. Upon landing in Ben Gurion airport last Wednesday, the US head of State opened his address to the Israelis by not addressing any of the Read More...

Is Saudi Arabia About To Normalize Ties With Israel?

US President Joe Biden is set to visit both Saudi Arabia and Israel, with many speculating that a normalization deal between the two Middle East regimes will be top on the agenda. According to all signs that we have received, is there any indication that Riyadh will sign a normalization deal with Tel Aviv & Read More...

How Close Are We To A War On Iran?

Last Wednesday, the US government decided to take its sanctions war on Iran to the next level, targeting Chinese and Emirati firms that allegedly help in facilitating Tehran’s oil sales in Asia. As Doha centered talks continue in an attempt to revive the Iran nuclear deal, this move seemingly has the potential of either leading Read More...

Lebanese Hezbollah Tests Israel With Three Drones In Disputed Area

Last week Israel’s military announced that it had shot down three drones operated by Lebanese Hezbollah, whilst they headed towards the disputed Karish field area off the coast of southern Lebanon. Hezbollah announced that its message had been received and mission completed, after having previously threatened to strike the oil and gas facilities. The Israel-Lebanon Read More...

Biden Middle East Visit Already Spells Disaster

US President Joe Biden is scheduled to visit Riyadh, Tel Aviv and Ramallah, in mid-July. The visit is expected to be centered around talks to normalize relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, through first discussing the development of a regional anti-Iran coalition. However, the agenda set by the United States is doomed to failure, and Read More...

Iraq Could Be Heading Towards Another Explosion Of Violence

73 Iraqi members of parliament, for the majority Sadrist bloc, decided to hand in their resignations last week, creating fear of street protests rising and turning violent. The latest events Expose the disaster which is Iraq’s post-war sectarian system that has left the majority of Iraqi’s hopeless. After 8 months of corruption allegations and political Read More...

Book review. The Ledger: Accounting for Failure in Afghanistan

Book review. The Ledger: Accounting for Failure in Afghanistanby Ian SinclairPeace NewsJune-July 2022 Presumably hastily put together after the disorderly US-UK-NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021, The Ledger is written by two advisors to the Western militaries and Afghan government: David Kilcullen and Greg Mills. Their roles gave the pair an enviable level of access to […]

Eva Bartlett Interview – Civilian Kill List, Maternity Hospital Bombings & The War Crimes Of Ukraine

Joining me today is Eva Bartlett, live from the ground in Donbass, here to discuss the overwhelming contrast between corporate media coverage of the Ukraine conflict and what she is seeing for herself on the ground. We discuss how she has been added to a Ukrainian Government kill list, as well as her recent coverage Read More...

Israeli Occupation Forces Kill 5 Palestinians As Tensions Boil — Including A US Citizen

Israeli occupation forces killed five Palestinians, inside the West Bank, in less than two days last week. The killings on Wednesday and Thursday came as tensions continue to boil in the occupied territories. Israel has also imposed restrictions on foreigners seeking to enter the West Bank, in a move that has spurred outrage. Last Wednesday, Read More...