US Federal Reserve

Capitalism on Life Support… Time for a Cure

The Covid-19 pandemic is unleashing obscene bailouts of Western industries and companies, as well as lifelines for billionaire business magnates.
It is grotesque that millions of workers are being laid off by corporations which are in turn receiving taxpayer funds. Many of these corporations have stashed trillions of dollars away in tax havens and have contributed zero to the public treasury. Yet they are being bailed out due to shutdowns in the economy over the Covid-19 crisis.

The United States and the European Union Have Failed the Audit of Pandemic

Major patterns of the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic are now all too clear: But the patterns that have emerged are never discussed in the 24/7 American Mainstream Media (MSM) and its European liberal wannabe cheerleaders led by the always ineffable BBC in Britain.
The right-wing old Reagan imperialists and fundamentalists continue to endlessly proclaim that the crisis has mortally wounded China’s standing in the world; That is simply a lie.

The Monetary Abyss Stares Back and Asks Who’s Next?

We are at a critical moment in the history of politics and markets. Everyday the U.S. government stares into the fiscal and monetary abyss and chucks trillions in hoping that will be enough to finally fill it.
We stand by hoping that it will work to reflate markets collapsing from a catastrophic mispricing of assets. At least some of us do. I don’t.
I hope it fails and it’s because those inflated prices fuel the very global political order that is anathema to human advancement.

Bailouts for the Rich, the Virus for the Rest of Us

For the second time in a generation, the President and Congress are creating an economy under the guise of ‘saving the economy.’ Through bailouts for the executives of corporations and institutions whose coffers have been emptied for their own personal enrichment, a corporate kleptocracy is having its class power secured. And through token payments and pandemic profiteering for the masses, the American precariat is being deepened and broadened to solidify its place as desperate and expendable.

COVID-19 Forces the World to Re-Think the Idea of ‘Monetary Value’

Western society has long been gripped by a deep seeded belief in money. Trillions of dollars of bank notes tied to ever-growing mountains of un-payable national debts has taken on a life of its own over the years. As the post-1971 years rolled by, society increasingly lost a sense that this human invention called “money” was created to serve humanity rather than rule it, and with that lost sense, money became an idol of worship.

Forget the Russians: It’s the Federal Reserve Seeking to Meddle in Our Elections

The US Constitution never granted the federal government authority to create a central bank. The Founders, having lived through hyperinflation themselves, understood that government should never have a printing press at its disposal. But from the very beginning of America’s founding, the desire for a crony central bank was strong.