US Drought 2021

Epic drought in the U.S. West: Competing Interests Between Farmers and Fish, and Water Futures Fail to Yield

Extreme drought is tearing apart communities in a massive river basin along the U.S. states of Oregon-California border. Farmers, tribes and wildlife face a bleak future together. At the same time, water futures market is also failing the California farmers. A Guardian report – “Running out of water: how climate change fuels a crisis in the US west” – said[Read More...]

“We need some divine intervention”: Governor asks Utahns to pray for rain amid brutal drought, California also faces deadly drought

U.S. state Utah Gov. Spencer Cox (R) issued a declaration on Thursday that urges residents to pray for rain as the state experiences record drought. At least 90% of the state is currently experiencing “extreme” to “exceptional” drought, the two worst categories, according to data from the U.S. Drought Monitor. “I’ve already asked all Utahns to conserve water by avoiding long showers, fixing[Read More...]