U.S. Congress

Backlash Grows Against Bibi’s Congressional Speech

Image: Dermer and Boehner: masterminds of Bibi’s Congressional speech debacle (Image courtesy Tikun Olam)

Reports over the past two days have confirmed a rising tide of anger against the ploy organized by Israel’s ambassador Ron Dermer and House Speaker John Boehner to arrange for an address by Bibi Netanyahu to Congress.


Benjamin Netanyahu: the Anti-American Obstructionist

Over the past several years, Netanyahu has gone out of his way to embarrass virtually every U.S. official, including President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton and John Kerry.  There are Israeli officials who believe that Netanyahu has gone too far this time. 


US senator filibusters live coverage of powerful Palestinian testimonies

CSPAN cut from Tariq Abukhdeir’s live, moving testimony of Israeli abuse in Jerusalem to cover Barbara Boxer’s incoherent pro-Israel rant to a mostly empty Senate chamber. (screenshot)

Given the choke-hold pro-Israel lobbying organizations like AIPAC have on US elected officials, it is plausible Boxer’s maneuvering was orchestrated to suppress the reach of an open and honest conversation about Israeli criminality.


Dear “Jewish Defense League”: Why aren’t I on your death list?

Emailed to JDL.org@usa.com
Dear “Jewish Defense League”:
It has come to my attention that you have been issuing death threats against my friends and colleagues, including Press TV’s Canada correspondent Joshua Blakeney and freelance journalist Tom Mysiewicz. Check out my new Press TV article:

President Assad and Ayatollah Khomeini are keeping their word. Will President Obama keep his?

Franklin Lamb
Latakia, Syria
Recent reports from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the accuracy of which have been conceded by the White House, but denied in Tel Aviv, have it that slightly less than half of Syria’s chemical weapons have already left the country and 100% of the country’s stockpiles are believed to have been neutralized. Well along the path to meet the June 30 agreed discard date.

Israel Is No Ally But Is It Even A Friend?

[This is an edited version of a speech given by me at the National Summit to Reassess the Israel-US Special Relationship, which took place at the National Press Center in Washington on March 7th. The all day event included speakers Stephen Walt, Justin Raimondo, Paul Pillar, Jeff Blankfort, Alan Brownfeld, Philip Weiss, Ray McGovern and Scott McConnell. It was broadcast live by C-Span and is still available on their site.]
by Philip Giraldi