U.S. attorneys

Should Trump Be Impeached? He Builds The Case Against Himself Tweet By Tweet

If you were watching NBC's Today show Monday, you likely saw Kellyanne Con-man making the case-- a case the Regime makes more and more frequently-- that the media should ignore Trump's tweets. They wish-- but that's how Trump chooses to interact with the American people. When's the last time he held a press conference like a normal president?

Maybe "Smelly Shelly" Silver is answerable to the laws we have after all: Part 2, Laws? What laws?

Just what connection do I see between Smelly Shelly and "Moneybags Mikey" Khodorkovsky?Man with a microphone (but is anyone listening?): Ex-oligarch, ex-convict Mikhail Khodorkovsky "has grandly declared that he would guarantee Putin's safety if he left power peacefully."by KenLast night, in Part 1 of this two-part "Maybe 'Smelly Shelly' Silver is answerable to the laws we have after all" seri

Maybe "Smelly Shelly" Silver is answerable to the laws we have after all: Part 1, The indictment

He used to be such an important person, not just respected but feared. Now the feds are sitting on nearly $4 million of his moolah, he's facing real prison time, and he's got some Internet clown calling him "Smelly Shelly."by KenSo much for the hopes of former NYS Assembly Speaker "Smelly Shelly" Silver to wriggle out from under the heap of hurt piled on him last month by U.S.

Say it ain't so, Shelly Silver -- and see whether anybody believes you

"For many years, New Yorkers have asked the question, how could Speaker Silver, one of the most powerful men in all of New York, earn millions of dollars in outside income without deeply compromising his ability to honestly serve his constituents? Today, we provide the answer: He didn't."—Preet Bharara, U.S. attorney for the Southern Districtof New York, at yesterday's press conference"At the news conference, Mr.