Who Are the Starving and Besieged Residents of Yarmouk and Why Are They There?

There are many illusions about what is happening to the Yarmouk district of Damascus and its Palestinian refugee population. The district was originally set aside in 1957 for Palestinian refugees already living there, whom Israel had expelled from their homes in 1948, with periodic additional populations thereafter. Today it is home to around one million Syrians and Palestinians, of whom the Palestinians number roughly 170,000.

UNRWA criticizes false Israeli claim that shelter was used to fire mortar

Ma’an – 23/08/2014 BETHLEHEM – The UN’s Palestine refugee agency UNRWA on Saturday criticized the Israeli military for publishing allegations — that have since been retracted — that Hamas militants fired a rocket from one of their schools in Gaza the day before. In a statement, the organization called upon “Israeli military spokespersons and other […]

United Nations Warns of “Rapidly Unfolding” Health Disaster in Gaza

IMEMC News | August 3, 2014 A health disaster of widespread proportions is rapidly unfolding in the Gaza Strip as a direct result of the ongoing conflict, said the United Nations today. Mr. James W. Rawley, the Humanitarian Coordinator in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt), together with Mr. Robert Turner, UNRWA’s Director of Operations in […]

UN Official Chris Gunness Breaks Down Crying Live on Air After Attacks On Schools In Gaza | VIDEO

UN Official Breaks Down Crying Live on Air 
For Chris Gunness, a spokesman for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, which has numerous facilities in Gaza, it’s all too much. This is the sixth time UNRWA sites have been hit during Israel’s current campaign. He broke down sobbing during an interview, footage of which was screened by Al Jazeera Arabic


Gaza “facing precipice,” says UNRWA in scathing plea for humanitarian aid

Al-Akhbar | July 31, 2014 Palestinians are “facing a precipice” in Gaza, the top UN refugee official there told the Security Council on Thursday in a strongly-worded appeal for action. With more than 240,000 Palestinians already sheltering in UN facilities — four times the number from the last Gaza conflict in 2008-2009 — Pierre Krahenbuhl […]