UNRWA head: ‘One cannot simply wish away 5m people’

MEMO | August 23, 2018 The head of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees has spoken out against efforts underway to see the organisation dismantled, stating: “One cannot simply wish away five million people”. Pierre Krahenbuhl, Commissioner General for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), made […]

Reports Reveal Kushner Plan to Dismantle UNRWA

Palestine Chronicle | August 5, 2018 The Palestinian leadership have slammed a reported plan by the US President’s special adviser Jared Kushner to dismantle the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, saying it’s a plot to take a key issue off any future negotiations. Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas has described the newly-surfaced plan, allegedly […]

Nikki Haley rails against Arab states over Palestinian aid

Nikki Haley, the US Ambassador to the United Nations, has a long history of opposing Palestine at the UN, whether in the General Assembly or through the Security Council, and of supporting Israel’s lethal actions against Palestinians on the Gaza Strip, most notably during the recent massacres which took place during the Great March of Return, during which many dozens were killed and thousands more i

Illegal Gaza Siege Tightened as Protests Erupt Over the Destruction of UNRWA

Protests erupted yesterday, in front of the UNRWA Headquarters in Gaza, after announcements of cuts to come in light of the agencies deficit in funding.
According to Gaza media, close to a thousand employees of UNRWA in Gaza gathered yesterday (Thursday) to detest the announcement of cuts. The Head of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, Pierre Krahenbuhl, stated in a letter of warning that, due to the with-holding of US funds from the Agency, the cuts would include the areas of employment, Mental Health, Housing and other Aid programs.

Hamas condemns Swiss minister’s comment about right to return

Ignazio Cassis, the Foreign Minister of Switzerland [screengrab / Youtube] MEMO | May 19, 2018 The Islamic Palestinian Resistance Movement, Hamas, has condemned a comment by Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis about the Palestinians’ right to return. The movement said that it was “shocked” to hear Cassis describe the legitimate return of all Palestinian refugees […]

Israel has accelerated its annexation of the West Bank from a slow creep to a run

By Jonathon Cook | The National | March 18, 2018 Seemingly unrelated events all point to a tectonic shift in which Israel has begun preparing the ground to annex the occupied Palestinian territories. Last week, during an address to students in New York, Israel’s education minister Naftali Bennett publicly disavowed even the notion of a […]