Where is our brave new world?

It was recently reported that in just three years’ time many of those who voted for Britain to quit the EU will no longer be alive. This relates to the fact that most people who voted for Brexit were much older than those who voted to remain, and won’t have to live with the consequences of their decision. So, not for the first time, young people will have to pay for the errors of the old.

Being Pro-Palestinian Doesn’t Make Jeremy Corbyn an Anti-Semite

The Israelis’ war on Jeremy Corbyn is really a war on free speech that’s meant to silence critics of Israel in the UK and elsewhere. (CN Op-ed) — In the last few decades, public opinion in the West has shifted from the early, post- World War II period. Support for Israel has declined while support for the Palestinians […]

Labour Self-destructs under “Anti-Semitism” Allegations

The ‘anti-Semitism’ rumpus engulfing Jeremy Corbyn and tearing the Labour Party apart comes at the very moment when the country needs an alert and dynamic Opposition to Theresa May’s shambolic administration.  The campaign, so obviously orchestrated by powerful pro-Israel interest groups to bring down Corbyn, threatens to derail all prospect of worthwhile change at the next election, which could be called anytime given the chaos over Brexit. This would be a calamity not just for Labour but the whole country.

the alleged chemical attack in Douma on 7 April 2018, and other alleged chlorine attacks in Syria since 2014

Paul McKeigue, Jake Mason, David Miller, Piers Robinson Summary Early statements by the US and French governments that a nerve agent had been used in the alleged chemical attack in Douma on 7 April 2018 were rebutted by the OPCW Fact-Finding mission which reported that neither environmental samples obtained on-site nor blood samples from purported victims contained any trace of […]

UK Finally Ditches ‘Moderate’ Syrian Rebels Ahead of Idlib Battle

(ZHE Op-ed) — CNN warns that Syrian and Russian forces are closing in on the “last rebel stronghold” in Syria while characteristically failing to inform its readers that the “rebel” coalition in control of the northwest pocket of Idlib is but the latest incarnation of al-Qaeda, calling itself Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham. With the final major battle looming which could mark the […]

Have British Spies Been Hacking the EU?

The European Union has accused British intelligence agencies of disrupting Brexit negotiations—creating a new public dispute that could poison further an already toxic situation. (CN Op-ed) — Just after midnight on Aug. 16, I was called by LBC Radio in London for a comment on a breaking story on the front page of The Daily Telegraph about British spies hacking […]

Netanyahu Has Dug Himself Into a Hole at a Graveyard Full of Untruths

(MEMO Opinion) — Benjamin Netanyahu has dived headlong into the furore engulfing Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, revealing the most blatant meddling to-date by Israel in British politics. What’s more, he’s done it armed with lies and distortions. The Israeli Prime Minister blasted Corbyn for apparently paying tribute to those behind the 1972 Munich massacre in which […]

It’s Official: ‘Britain’s Democracy Now At Risk’

Via True Publica, authored by Jessica Garland – Electoral Reform Society:

Britain’s main campaign rules were drawn up in the late 1990s, before social media and online campaigning really existed. This has left the door wide open to disinformation, dodgy donations and foreign interference in elections.
There is a real need to close the loopholes when it comes to the online Wild West.

Using the Burka: Boris Johnson’s Bid for Popularity

Comedy, Boris Johnson, and the Tories – these three share a certain comforting, if chaotic, affinity, lobbed together in some nightmarish union that risks consuming itself.  But times are serious – profoundly so, we are told: Brexit exercises the nerves as if Britannia were a patient about to expire, and there is the cultural irritation posed by those naughty elements who refuse to do the good thing and integrate themselves into the land of her Britannic majesty.

Jeremy Corbyn Hits Back at Netanyahu’s Attack on Twitter

(MEE) — Jeremy Corbyn attended a wreath laying ceremony in 2014 for the perpetrators of the 1972 Munich Olympics attack, the UK Labour leader said on Monday, but added that he did not actively participate in laying a wreath down himself. “I was present when it was laid. I don’t think I was actually involved in it,” […]