Disinviting Jordan Peterson: The Faculty of Divinity, Cambridge and Approved Ideas

He has sent so many cliques and groups into titters of anger, and the indignant have attempted to turn on him.  The university environment should be the last place where dangerous ideas, and views, are stifled and stomped upon. In actual fact, we are seeing the reverse; from students unions to middle- and upper-managerial parasites and administrators, the contrarian idea must be boxed, the controversial speaker silenced and sent beyond the pale.  Dissent and disagreement are lethal toxin to such affected notions as “diversity” and “inclusiveness”.

“Dark Day for Internet Freedom”: EU to Create Online Censorship Machine

(CD) — Despite widespread grassroots opposition, the European Parliament Tuesday approved sweeping copyright rules that critics warn will spawn an internet “censorship machine.” NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden decried the vote, tweeting, in German, “Never forget what they did here.” In a blog post, Danny O’Brien—international director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)—called passage of the copyright rules “a stunning rejection of […]

Rendition Plane, Increased Police Presence Raise Fears for Assange

A mysterious flight of a U.S. rendition plane to London and increase of plainclothes British police outside the Ecuador embassy has heightened concern for the WikiLeaks founder. (CN) — In four days, it will be a full year since WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange was severed from contact with the outside world by the government of Ecuador. Concern for […]

The End of Truth as We Know It – Or Knew It

The claim (or admission) by the BBC journalist Riam Dalati that the alleged sarin attack on Douma in April 2018, was staged was received by the Russian embassy in London with glee. “Remarkable that the British MSM chose to ignore it’, whoever it was at the embassy wrote. ‘No breaking news, no articles, nothing.’ Remarkable? Not at all, given the endless track […]
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The Fake News Nazi – Corbyn, Williamson And The Anti-Semitism Scandal

One of us had a discussion with an elderly relative: ‘He can’t be allowed to become Prime Minister.’ ‘Why not?’ ‘It’s so awful…’ ‘What is?’ ‘The way he hates the Jews.’ The last comment was spoken with real anguish, the result of continuous exposure to just two main news sources: the Daily Mail and the BBC. What is astonishing is […]
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