Trump’s “Collusion” and Corbyn as “Dangerous Hero”

According to corporate journalism, a tidal wave of ‘fake news’ has long been threatening to swamp their wonderful work reporting real news. The ProQuest media database finds fully 805,669 hits for newspaper articles mentioning the term ‘fake news’. The key sources of such fakery are said to be social media, and above all, of course, Russia.

Media Smoothed Way to Corbyn Target Practice

It is time to stop believing these infantile narratives the political and media establishment have crafted for us. Like the one in which they tell us they care deeply about the state of British political life, that they lie awake at night worrying about the threat posed by populism to our democratic institutions.
How do they persuade us of the depth of their concern? They express their horror at the murder of an MP, Jo Cox, and their outrage at the abuse of another, Anna Soubry.

In Response to Pence, Turkey’s VP says US Must Choose Ankara or Terrorists

(TM) – The US must choose between remaining Turkey’s ally or siding with terrorists, Vice President Fuat Oktay said on Wednesday in response to US Vice President Mike Pence’s tweet urging Ankara to choose between the US and Russia, the Hürriyet Daily News reported. “The United States must choose. Does it want to remain Turkey’s ally or […]

Outrage Over UK Soldiers Using Jeremy Corbyn Photo for Target Practice

(CD) – British soldiers in Kabul, Afghanistan, used an image of Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn as target practice, drawing criticism from United Kingdom progressives and triggering an internal investigation. Video of the soldiers firing weapons at a large picture of Corbyn went viral early Wednesday morning. Video has emerged of soldiers on a shooting range in Kabul firing […]

Terms of Asylum and Distraction: Moreno’s Assange Problem

Political asylum is an accepted if often ignored right. It is also at the mercy of those interests that grant it.  Ecuador’s repeated insistence on conditioning Julian Assange’s stay in its London abode is tantamount to corroding the idea of asylum to vacuity.  You are granted asylum as a political dissident, but political dissident you shall not be, especially when it comes to exposing the secrets of your landlord.

Brexit Might Lead to UK Conservative Government’s “Annihilation”

LONDON (Analysis) — It is official. The end-of-March deadline for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union has come and gone. But Prime Minister Theresa May’s Conservative government has failed to reach a deal and has controversially postponed the economically and geopolitically seismic separation, known to the world as Brexit.

THE VETO: Film exposing CNN, Al Jazeera, Channel 4 and the western media propaganda war against Syria

I met journalist and friend Rafiq Lutf and cameraman Abdul-Mun’aim Arnous in January 2018 and I was honoured when Rafiq asked me to work with him on his film project, The Veto. As Dr Shaaban said to me in August 2016, “Western propaganda is paid for in Syrian blood”. This is true. The horrifying bloodshed and loss of life in […]