The 7 years of lies about Assange won’t stop now

The political and media establishment ignored the mounting evidence of a secret grand jury in Virginia formulating charges against Assange, and ridiculed Wikileaks’ concerns that the Swedish case might be cover for a more sinister attempt by the US to extradite Assange and lock him away in a high-security prison, as had happened to whistleblower Chelsea Manning.
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Shredding Asylum: The Arrest of Julian Assange

The man seemed like a bearded emissary, a holy figure nabbed in his sleep. He looked similarly pale as to how he did in 2013, but he cut a more shocking figure.  Most prisoners would have had room to move in a compound.  The Ecuadorean embassy in London only offered modest space and access to sun light.  Hospitality of late was in short supply.


“EXIT NATO!”  was the glaring title on a huge screen greeting the several hundred participants of the Anti-NATO Conference in Florence, Italy, on 7 April 2019. Officially it was called The International Conference on the 70th Anniversary of NATO, sponsored by Global Research of Canada and the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons (ICBUW). I had the privilege to attend this important forum.

Despite Human Rights Abuses in Yemen, Saudi Soldiers Receive UK Military Training

More than 40 Saudi military cadets have been receiving training in British military colleges amid human rights abuse reports against the Gulf state’s forces in Yemen, local media reported on Wednesday, Anadolu reports.
According to the information received through freedom of information channels by The Guardian, the cadets are being trained at Sandhurst, the Royal Air Force school at Cranwell and the Royal Navy College since 2015.
The British Ministry of Defense declined to inform the daily about the amounts of the contracts, the report said.

“I am an Assassination Risk”: Assange and Ecuador’s Attorney General Face Off in Leaked Transcript

(ZH) – Julian Assange accused a “weak” Ecuador of starting to “lean on the United States and the UK for various kinds of support” last October – which he linked to the deteriorating conditions at the country’s London embassy where he has been living for nearly seven years. Assange made the comments during an October 29, 2018 court hearing requesting the […]

White Helmets alleged involvement in organ, child trafficking and staged events in Syria – Vanessa Beeley interview.

On the 4th April 2019 I joined Ryan Cristian, founder of The Last American Vagabond, to discuss the latest claims made by Syrian civilians that the UK Foreign Office-financed, promoted and protected intelligence asset, the White Helmets, are participating in cross-border organ trafficking operations, child abduction and the production of staged events designed to facilitate further aggressive intervention by the U.S/U.K-led coalition.  […]

Fake News Tsunami – Trump’s ‘Collusion’ And Corbyn As ‘Dangerous Hero’

According to corporate journalism, a tidal wave of 'fake news' has long been threatening to swamp their wonderful work reporting real news. The ProQuest media database finds fully 805,669 hits for newspaper articles mentioning the term 'fake news'. The key sources of such fakery are said to be social media, and above all, of course, Russia.
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