Assange and the Cowardice of Power

Donald Trump has never heard of WikiLeaks, the publishing organization whose work he repeatedly and unequivocally touted during the 2016 election campaign. “I know nothing about WikiLeaks,” he told reporters after Julian Assange was illegally arrested, after being illegally detained for seven years, in London. “It’s not my thing and I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange.”

Important Crowdfunder: Saving Syria’s Children: Did The BBC Lie?

In 2013 a BBC Panorama crew embedded with jihadists. Was the resulting documentary fake news? Our friend Robert Stuart has undertaken a hugely impressive forensic investigation into the Panorama programme, Saving Syria’s Children. What he has uncovered needs to be widely known. Please contribute to his crowdfunder so that this vital information reaches the greatest possible audience. Over to you […]

The Arrest of Julian Assange is an Existential Threat to Journalism

(MEMO) —Julian Assange, the publisher of WikiLeaks, was hauled by force out the Ecuadorian embassy in London on Thursday. British secret police snatched him at the invitation of the embassy, which had revoked Assange’s asylum, first granted in 2012. Despite pretence that the arrest pertains to a minor bail-jumping charge – which would normally result in […]

Assange Held at “Britain’s Guantanamo Bay” as UN Urges Fair Trial

(ZH) — WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange faces a likely extended extradition battle after this week’s dramatic end to his seven-year asylum stay holed up in Ecuador’s London embassy. He’s now in a British jail, and though UK authorities have yet to confirm the precise place of his detention, multiple reports suggest that he’s being held in what’s dubbed “Britain’s Guantanamo Bay” — or […]

Assange’s ‘Conspiracy’ to Expose War Crimes Has Already Been Punished

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange should never have been punished for working with a whistleblower to expose war crimes. Chelsea Manning, the whistleblower, has done more time in prison, under harsher conditions, than William Calley, a key perpetrator of the My Lai massacre. Remarkably, Manning is in jail again, failed by organizations that should unreservedly defend her, as the US tries to coerce her into helping inflict more punishment on Assange.