‘Stop Arming Israel, Stop Bombing Gaza’: Thousands March in London Demanding Justice for Palestinians

(CD) — Thousands took to the streets of London on Saturday to show solidarity with the Palestinian people and demand an end to Israel’s brutal occupation. Ahed Tamimi—the 18-year-old Palestinian activist who became a global protest icon after she was imprisoned for slapping Israeli soldiers outside of her home in the occupied West Bank—joined Saturday’s march and delivered a […]

NATO and the Culture of War: Ireland’s History of Resistance

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of NATO with the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty on 4 April 1949. Established as a peacetime alliance between the United States and Europe to prevent expansion of the Soviet Union, NATO has grown in size and and changed from a defensive force to an aggressive force implementing Western policies of expansion and control.

A World On Fire: Western Peoples’ Apathy Must End. A Cri de Coeur From Vanessa Beeley.

Martyrs Day. #Syria I recently posted an interview I did with a retired schoolteacher in Mesyaf – Ali Habib. Ali called out, not only the governments in the West, but the people. He expressed a growing lack of trust in the people from Europe and he described (very eloquently) the gangsterism and moral bankruptcy in the U.S. Of course there are […]

Disproportionate Sentences: Julian Assange, Bail, and Extradition

Should journalism ever have a deity worth His, Her or Its salt, looking down upon the recent proceedings against Julian Assange will provide endless choking fits of confusion and dismay.  The prosecution continues in the twisted logic that engaging a source to disclose something secret while also protecting anonymity is somehow unnatural in the world of journalism.  Most prosecutions in this regard tend to be ignorant of history and its various contortions; theirs is to simply fulfil the brief of a vengeful employer, in the now, in the falsely clear present.  If their reasoning could be ext

Julian Assange Vows to Fight Charges at First US Extradition Hearing

(ZH) — During the first hearing in what’s expected to be a protracted legal battle over the US’s extradition request, Wikileaks’ founder Julian Assange told a British judge that he wished to fight extradition, and the hearing was concluded with the next court date set for May 30. Assange, whom the US has charged with conspiring with […]

The “Real Battle” Begins for Julian Assange Today

(ZH) — Following Julian Assange’s UK court sentencing early Wednesday where he was hit with 50 weeks in prison for skipping bail, which we noted earlier is close to the maximum sentence, WikiLeaks Editor-in-Chief Kristinn Hrafnsson slammed the “vindictive” punishment as having caused “shock and outrage” in statements to reporters. However, Hrafnsson said after the court that […]

Debunking Myths of ‘Red-Brown’ Alliances

Recently, a certain political concept has been resurrected that warrants interrogation. The notion of a ‘red-brown’ alliance has been thrown around so ubiquitously as a form of political slander that any substantive meaning to the term has been evacuated. Rather than accurately designating any associations that may exist between the left and far right, the idea of a ‘red-brown’ coalition, or ‘querfront’ (cross-front in German), is a generic abstraction cited to mischaracterize a perceived convergence of political opposites.