British Prime Minister Theresa May Admits Brexit Defeat and Resigns

(CD) — Characterized by critics and political observers as an ignominous end of her three years as leader of the Tory Party and captain of the right-wing ship trying to steer the country toward Brexit, U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May announced her official resignation on Friday morning as she finally admitted defeat. Though she said in a speech outside […]

New York Passes Bill to Give Congress Access to Trump Tax Returns

(CD) – As the White House continues to defy congressional Democrats’ requests for President Donald Trump’s federal tax returns, the New York state Assembly on Wednesday passed legislation that would make six years of Trump’s state tax records available to the U.S. Congress. The New York state Senate passed the legislation, titled the TRUST Act, earlier this month. The bill […]

The Treasury Department and Moves Towards War on Iran

As Patrick Cockburn has observed in a recent Counterpunch column, “At the end of the day, the US Treasury is a more powerful instrument of foreign policy than the Pentagon for all its aircraft carriers and drones.” He refers, of course, to the success of U.S. sanctions on Iran and secondary sanctions on any corporations conducting trade with Iran. These have cut Iranian oil exports in half. They are, in fact, a form of undeclared warfare designed to inflict pain on the Iranian people, such that they rise up against the mullahs and topple the regime.

Jon Snow and the Murdered Children: His Six-Figure Salary Cannot Buy a Clear Conscience

I have just heard some news which is almost too heartbreaking to put into words. This morning, a little boy, Marcel Shadi Nemeh, died of his wounds in hospital after sustaining them last Sunday in an attack by Nusra Front terrorists on his home in Skeilbiyyeh, Syria. In that same attack, his brother Bashar was killed, along with three other children who were innocently playing in a monastery courtyard and some in their own homes.

UK Propaganda Unit Has Secret Plans to Target French Muslim

(MEE) — A shadowy UK government propaganda unit that privately declares that it works to “effect behavioural and attitudinal change” among British Muslims has drawn up plans to begin operating in France. The Research, Information and Communications Unit (RICU), which is based at the Home Office in London, generates films, social media, websites, leaflets and news stories that […]

Iran Squeezed Between Imperial Psychos and European Cowards

The overwhelming majority of Global South nations are watching the U.S. neocon offensive to ultimately strangle “the Iranian people”, aware more than ever that Iran may be bullied to extinction because it does not posses a nuclear deterrent. The IRGC has reached the same conclusion.
The post Iran Squeezed Between Imperial Psychos and European Cowards appeared first on BSNEWS.

Top British Commander in Rare Public Dispute With US Over Iran Intelligence

(ZH) — An awkward public exchange unfolded between the US military and its closest allied military coalition force during a Pentagon press conference on Tuesday wherein a top British commander in charge of anti-ISIS coalition forces rebuked White House claims on the heightened Iran threat. “No – there’s been no increased threat from Iranian-backed forces in […]

Al Skeilbiyyeh: Massacre of Children in Syria – Who Will Report This Outrage?

This is today in Al Skeilbiyyeh, Syria, after six children were killed by the Jihadists that the UK. US, and the other war criminals, fund and support! Look at this grief!! Look at these mothers! Look at the little coffins! Your government has this blood on its hands!! These men carrying the coffins are the residents of this town who […]