Former British Ambassador to Syria: UK complicit in Trump’s Syria Oil Grab

With the UK Parliament already on alert, how long will it be before Congress wakes up to this scandal-in-the-making?
Peter FORD
The cat is out of the bag. The UK is potentially complicit in a war crime. With typical insouciance the U.S. military dropped this bombshell by tweet and apparently without realizing the implications for U.S. partners:

Boris Johnson Opts for His Santa Claus Election

Kenneth SURIN
BoJo ran out of rope when all his gambits intended to bounce parliament into accepting his Brexit deal got nowhere (as was widely predicted). The EU accepted his deal, but he wanted it rushed through parliament to meet his 31st October deadline, and parliament failed to oblige.
BoJo, never one to shun bombast, had promised to “die in a ditch” if Brexit did not take place by Halloween.
Few took BoJo’s deadline seriously, except for the hardline Brexit loons who hang on his every word.

Living Under the Spectre of Hyperinflation: 1923 Weimar and Today

While world’s attention is absorbed by tectonic shifts unfolding across the Middle East, and as many Americans are brainwashed to believe the 2020 elections are driven by the need to impeach President Trump, something very ominous has appeared “off of the radar” of most onlookers. This something is a financial collapse of the western banks that threatens to unleash chaos upon the world.

Brexit – The Cold Hard Truth Emerges

Brexit has turned out to be some sort of quasi-crusade for the radical right and their acolytes in the form of buccaneering Brexiteers and swashbuckling ‘Spartans.’ The truth about Brexit is really quite simple when boiled down. After all the bubbling water has turned into steam its real ingredients are eventually revealed. And what has been revealed is nothing but a sour and bitter aftertaste once we’ve taken our first helping. A sort of trade deal has been thrashed out – but not with our European neighbours, but with the American’s.

Agrochemical Apocalypse: Interview with Environmental Campaigner Dr Rosemary Mason  

The renowned author and whistleblower Evaggelos Vallianatos describes British environmentalist and campaigner Dr Rosemary Mason as a “defender of the natural world and public health.” I first came across her work a few years ago. It was in the form of an open letter she had sent to an official about the devastating environmental and human health impacts of glyphosate-based weed killers.

The Tabloid Curse That Gave Britain Two World Wars, Boris Johnson and Brexit

The United Kingdom is about to stumble into its terminal chaos of Brexit – the British exit from the 28-nation European Union.
With his customary hypocrisy, shamelessness and barefaced lies, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has agreed to do it on virtually the same terms that the outraged herd of Gadarene Swine Brexiteers excoriated his predecessor Theresa May for accepting.