Brexit Day

London — Parliament Square is the site, muddied by rain, trodden by hundreds who have made it their celebratory space.  The Leave Means Leave official website had been busy for weeks, thrilled about January 31 and the fact that that Britain would finally be leaving that beastly collective they know as the European Union.  Those who promised to be in attendance were the usual suspects of the Little England brigade who had been so successful in convincing citizens that leaving the European Union was tantamount to gaining one’s freedom from a stifli

The Coming Collapse of the House of Windsor and the Clash of ‘Two Christianities’

The last months have seen the most remarkable fissures breaking in the foundation of the House of Windsor whose austere image of duty and Christian morality have entirely broken down under a firestorm of scandals showcasing the culture of crime and degeneracy prevalent across the upper ranks of the empire. Scandal for royals by itself is nothing astounding. Hell, an entire tabloid industry has been built around it. What is exceptional is the amount of morally repugnant scandal breaking all at once and the systemic shock effect it has had on the institutions of the monarchy.

Brexit ‘Finish Line’ Is Just Beginning of the End

The British parliament voted through the EU divorce bill last week, with the head of state Queen Elizabeth giving her symbolic assent. And so this week, on January 31, Britain is officially out of the continental bloc – after more than four decades of membership.
Boris Johnson, the British prime minister, was in self-congratulatory mode when he extolled the passing of the deal, saying: “At times it felt like we would never cross the Brexit finish line, but we’ve done it.”

The Assange Extradition Case Drags on

It is being increasingly larded with heavy twists and turns, a form of state oppression in slow motion, but the Julian Assange extradition case now looks like it may well move into the middle of the year, dragged out, ironically enough, by the prosecution. Curiously, this is a point that both the prosecutors, fronted by the US imperium, and the WikiLeaks defence team, seem to have found some inadvertent agreement with.