Support Your Local Antifa

This week we look at the growing fascist movement in Europe and what the antifa are doing to fight back. On the break we have Sindicato Latino, a hip hop collective based in Europe and made up of Latinx migrants. We wrap things up with an anti-election rant and an interview with American anarchist Scott Crow.  TRIGGER WARNING: cursing, street fighting, blood, politicians

UN Ruling on Assange Exposes UK Lawlessness

“Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed” – Martin Luther King, Jr. For any student of modern propaganda techniques, the ruling announced last week in favor of WikiLeaks founder and editor-in-chief Julian Assange by the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (UNWGAD) has provided fertile ground for research. Indeed, the level […]
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Rebranding The Conquistadors As Social Justice Warriors – The Guardian, Corporate Sponsorship And ‘Branded Content’

From the moment Jeremy Corbyn stood as prospective Labour leader, the Guardian has waged a relentless campaign to destroy this rare shoot of progressive hope. The paper has backed away from the truth about state and corporate power fuelling yet more catastrophic climate change. It has failed to fully and consistently expose the corporate basis to the climate denial campaign and the corporate capture of the 'mainstream' media in facilitating this. These are salient horrors, but the list could go on...

Complicity in Torture – the Truth Britain Doesn’t Want to Face. When will the UK Obey its Own Laws?

With the news that an American rights group has succeeded in forcing the Pentagon to release more photos of the abuse of prisoners in Abu Ghraib, while the UK government is trying to prevent lawyers from taking them to court over the abuse that Iraqis suffered at the hands of British soldiers, it is worth revisiting the sorry history of Britain where torture is concerned.

The Malvinas: An Unresolved Dispute between Argentina and Britain

The question of the Malvinas Islands (Falkland Islands) remains one of those unresolved disputes in international politics which seldom receives much attention from the world community. This is a pity since the United Nations has for the last 50 years called upon the two parties to the dispute — Argentina and Britain — to negotiate a peaceful solution through bilateral negotiations.

Lies about UN Body Imperil Not Just Assange

Something extremely dangerous is happening before our eyes as we watch British officials and the corporate media respond to the February 6, 2016 ruling of the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, which found that Julian Assange is being arbitrarily detained in the UK.
A major international institution upholding the rights of political dissidents around the world as they face illegal detention, abuse and torture is being turned into a laughing stock with the enthusiastic connivance of supposedly liberal media outlets like the Guardian and the BBC.

With more refugees expected, Europe needs to get a grip

It was like a scene from the film Titanic – the great and the good looked concerned and talked earnestly about impending doom over canapés while cosseted in the luxury and wealth to which they’ve become accustomed.
Elsewhere, out of sight, the poorest were locked away in the bowels of the disintegrating wreck, suffering and dying, almost forgotten as the rich searched for a lifeboat to rescue them from their responsibilities.