Russian Diplomat Drops a Bombshell: US Expected ISIS to Seize Damascus by October

What Yakovenko is therefore in effect saying is that the US was planning in the summer to start a bombing campaign to overthrown the government of Syria in the knowledge that this would result by October in the victory of the Islamic State and its capture of Damascus.
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Saudi war for Yemen oil pipeline is empowering al-Qaeda, Islamic State

Secret cable and Dutch government official confirm that Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen is partly motivated by an ambitious US-backed pipeline fantasy. Nearly 3,000 civilians have been slaughtered and a million displaced in Saudi Arabia’s noble aerial bombardment of Yemen, which is backed by the United States and Britain. Over 14 million Yemenis face food insecurity – a jump of […]

BBC Imagines World War III

Believing their own propaganda about “Russian aggression,” Western leaders are building up NATO forces in the Baltic states, which treat ethnic Russians as second-class citizens, possibly provoking a nuclear showdown that no one wants and that a searing BBC documentary imagines, writes Gilbert Doctorow. By Gilbert Doctorow The documentary film “World War Three: Inside the War Room” was…