“That Is Actually Bollocks”: 20 Propaganda Horrors From 20 Years of Media Lens (Part 2)

11. The BBC On The Saintly Motives For Waging War On Iraq And Libya In focusing on the grim future in April, US vice president, Kamala Harris, surely revealed far more than she intended about the grim past: ‘For years and generations, wars have been fought over oil. In a short matter of time, they […]

A Russian geopolitical analyst’s thoughts on Joe Biden [Video]

The following piece is a translation (errors our own) of a geopolitical analysis piece written by Timofey Bordachev, Program Director of the Valdai Club. It serves as a “window” into what at least some people outside the United States see with the rise to power of our illegitimately-“elected” head of State, Imposter Joe Biden. As […]

“That Is Actually Bollocks”: 20 Propaganda Horrors From 20 Years of Media Lens (Part 1)

After 20 years of Media Lens, it seems only natural that we should look back in gratitude at the support we’ve received. In response to one of our early pieces, a kindly columnist at the Observer commented: ‘Dear David, ‘Thank you very much for sending me a copy of your piece, which strikes me as […]

Grenfell Anniversary: Activist Rapper Lowkey Takes Aim At Boris Johnson and UK Neoliberalism

Four years after the Grenfell Tower fire, rapper and activist Lowkey revisits the tragic fire that tore through the North Kensington tower block on June 14, 2017 -- killing 72 low-income residents of housing owned by real-estate moguls.
The post Grenfell Anniversary: Activist Rapper Lowkey Takes Aim At Boris Johnson and UK Neoliberalism appeared first on MintPress News.

Racist, Misogynist, Militaristic, Imperialistic, Homophobic, White Christian Supremacy

Canadians like to think of ourselves as less racist, less right wing and especially less violent than Americans. But two recent events coming after a previous series of mass murders has shaken this belief. Four members of a Muslim family were murdered in a hate crime while out for a stroll last Sunday in London, […]

Follow the money: Qatar accused in London of funding terrorism

https://www.mideastdiscourse.com/2021/06/08/follow-the-money-qatar-accu… Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator A court case is making its way through the commercial division of the UK High Court in London, which alleges Qatar funneled money to the Al Qaeda affiliate in Syria, Jibhat al-Nusra.  Qatar National Bank and Doha Bank stand accused of facilitating the transactions.  The UK and Qatar […]

The Dominic Cummings Show

The former chief strategist for Prime Minister Boris Johnson was in a stroppy mood before the UK parliamentary Health and Science committee.  For seven hours, Cummings unleashed salvo after salvo against his former boss and the government coronavirus response. Boiling down some points of the Cummings show: there was a failure on the part of […]
The post The Dominic Cummings Show first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Dominic Cummings is our Machiavelli: with Brexit, lies served him, now the truth does

Remember how Dominic Cummings played a blinder over Brexit, spinning a web of deceptions, funnelled through politicians and the media, to persuade the public that Britain needed to quit the European Union so urgently it should do so on any terms, even ones that would sabotage the country’s interests. Well, he just did a Brexit […]

Jewish groups that aid Israel’s war crimes can’t deny all responsibility for those crimes

Here is something that can be said with great confidence. It is racist – antisemitic, if you prefer – to hold Jews, individually or collectively, accountable for Israel’s crimes. Jews are not responsible for Israel’s war crimes, even if the Israeli state presumes to implicate Jews in its crimes by falsely declaring it represents all […]

Leave Our Kids Alone

Suzie Halewood Softening the electorate up to the prospect of inoculating all children over the age of 12, Secretary of State Control Matt Hancock says he has been ‘closely following the results from the clinical studies from Pfizer showing that the vaccine is safe and effective among children between the ages of 12 and 18’. …