Latest Corbyn Hit-Piece: He earns MP’s Salary

If I hadn’t seen for myself that this article “exposing” Jeremy Corbyn was published on the Daily Telegraph’s website, I would have assumed it was a spoof from The Onion – an even more preposterous one than normal.
In a lengthy hit-piece, the Telegraph suggests that Corbyn is a hypocrite for criticising David Cameron over his efforts to conceal the financial benefits he received from his father’s tax-haven investments.

The man who brought jihad to Britain, did so thanks to MI6

A BBC ‘investigation’ into Deobandi extremism bears the hallmarks of Whitehall propaganda. “The radicalisation of Britain’s Muslim youth of Pakistani origin began in the mid-1990s with the full knowledge and complicity of British and US intelligence agencies.” — B. Raman, former head of the counter-terrorism division at India’s foreign intelligence agency, RAW, from 1988 to 1994 Last week, BBC News […]

What in the World is Going on with Banks this Week?

Emergency meetings, banker summits, crashing European banks, and the worst bank reports since the Great Recession.
Just about every major banker and finance minister in the world is meeting in Washington, DC, this week, following two rushed, secretive meetings of the Federal Reserve and another instantaneous and rare meeting between the Fed Chair and the president of the United States. These and other emergency bank meetings around the world cause one to wonder what is going down.

Panama Papers: Bear in the Woods

If the auspiciously named ICIJ and their partner journalists were actually interested in excising this offshore cancer for want of a better world, they would be demanding that all corporations and officials in positions of significant influence publish their tax affairs for ICIJ or public examination. It would be releasing all the Panama Papers: at the very least to independent journalists for them to report on or at best in a public database.

Double standards? Britain scolds South China Sea rivals while deploying to own island colonies

Hammond might consider restraining his eastward finger wagging, however, as the UK also claims a number of islands around the globe and has militarized each of them to a considerable extent.
The post Double standards? Britain scolds South China Sea rivals while deploying to own island colonies appeared first on BSNEWS.

Terror Bombing in Brussels and Paris: Europe’s “Islamist Legionnaires” Come Home to Fight

Ever since the US-EU policymakers decided to implement a war against Arab and West Asian secular nationalism in the Middle-East, Afghanistan, Iran and North Africa through serial ‘regime change’campaigns they have relied on Islamist Salafist mercenaries and volunteers to do most of the killing on the ground, while the West operates from the air.