Is a Soda Tax the Solution to Reducing Sugar-Consumption Worldwide?

Health experts in Australia say that the country should follow the UK in introducing a tax on sugary soft drinks. While politicians such as Australia’s Trade Minister say they are not “fans” of the tax, celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has told the Australian government to “pull its finger out,” and describing the UK’s plans as “bold and brave.”

The Queen just announced that private companies can lock people up, and nobody noticed

The government has announced the “biggest shake-up of prisons since Victorian times”. But while the media focuses on ‘iPads for prisoners‘ and ‘weekend inmates‘, the real story is in the handing of new financial powers to prison governors, allowing them “unprecedented levels of control over all aspects of prison management”. The government is using the academies model to privatise our prisons through […]

The Vote Bremain Camp goes into Hysterical Hyper Drive

The last fortnight has seen the gloves come off as the Bremain camp engages in increasingly desperate scaremongering. Vote Bremain headed by that doyen of anti-corruption David Cameron is frightened by the stubborn insistence of millions of British people to reject the EU on June 23.
Polls reveal how Vote Bremain and Vote Brexit are neck and neck despite the avalanche of fear warmongering propaganda directed at the British public by Prime Minster Cameron and his big business supporters.
Brexit raises chances of war in Europe

UK media and the legitimisation of austerity policies

By featuring some perspectives whilst excluding others, UK media has played a crucial role in the legitimisation of austerity policies.
The media cannot tell people what to think in a simple manner. However by featuring some perspectives whilst excluding others it plays a crucial role in the legitimisation of policy and the exercise of power.
The post UK media and the legitimisation of austerity policies appeared first on BSNEWS.

Roots of the Conflict: Palestine’s Nakba in the Larger Arab “Catastrophe”

On May 15th of every year, over the past 68 years, Palestinians have commemorated their collective exile from Palestine. The ethnic cleansing of Palestine to make room for a ‘Jewish homeland’ came at a price of unrelenting violence and perpetual suffering. Palestinians refer to that enduring experience as ‘Nakba’, or ‘Catastrophe’.
However, the ‘Nakba’ is not merely a Palestinian experience; it is also an Arab wound that never ceases from bleeding.