From Iraq to The Brexit Referendum: Tony Blair’s Toxic Legacy. Yes, He Should Stand Trial for War Crimes

Anthony Charles Lynton Blair currently back in Britain, cast a dark shadow over those campaigning to stay in the European Union in the 23rd June referendum. Inflicting himself on the Britain Stronger in Europe group, he spoke at every opportunity – reminding even the most passionate Europhile of the last time he assured: “I know I’m right” – Iraq.

UK Police Call Emergency Meetings after Explosion in Hate Crimes After Brexit

(ANTIMEDIA) United Kingdom — U.K. police chiefs have called emergency meetings following an explosion in hate crimes across the country. The horrifying spike in racist attacks, which have come in the wake of Britain’s vote to leave the European Union, has prompted police to call for enhanced sentencing for those convicted of such disorder.

What Next After Brexit?

The main changes I do expect from Brexit are a long overdue material shift in the power balance away from London and its elite and back to the once working class regions of the UK. These have been the victims of a globalisation that, when it was first championed by Thatcher and then Blair, was supposed to have either no victims at all, or “losers” who could be easily compensated by the “winners”.
The post What Next After Brexit? appeared first on BSNEWS.

Is Brexit the Start of the Next European Revolution?

Like almost half British voters I voted “remain” in last week’s EU referendum, so I’m far from delighted with the outcome. But as the capitalists say, every disaster brings with it opportunity, so we must use this chance to call for some desperately-needed changes.
The main issues that were raised during the campaign were about immigration and sovereignty. To properly address the immigration question it’s essential to understand the main causes for it. There are two different but related reasons: Permanent War and Continual Growth.

6 Crazy Things Trump Said He’d Do That the Government Is Already Doing

(ANTIMEDIA Op-Ed) As Americans cope with the possibility Donald J. Trump may soon be the next president of the United States, many have adopted the mindset that — because #NeverTrump — they must support Hillary Clinton’s bid for power. While this approach is flawed because Hillary Clinton is a reviled, corrupt war criminal and profiteer, resisting Trump’s looming fascism is doomed to fail for another reason: the United States government already does many of the most heinous things Trump has proposed.

Tony Blair’s crony elite want to snatch Labour back from the working class

The latest coup attempt against Jeremy Corbyn within the Labour Party is being led by an elitist Blairite network who have always seen his sudden rise to leadership as a threat to their waning control of the party. An investigation by The Canary reveals that the organisers of the campaign are part of a pro-Blair ‘old guard.’ In the run-up to the […]