Brexit: A Workers’ Response to Oligarchs, Bankers, Flunkies, and Scabs

The European Union is controlled by an oligarchy, which dictates socio-economic and political decisions according to the interests of bankers and multi-national business. The central organs of power, the European Commission (EC), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have systematically imposed austerity programs that have degraded working conditions, welfare programs, and wages and salaries.

Documents reveal David Cameron’s own office has ties to far right extremists banned by Theresa May

Documents obtained under Freedom of Information (FOI) confirm that the Office of the Prime Minister had direct communications with a notorious anti-Muslim campaigner, linked to far-right extremists in the US and Europe. Some of the members of this far-right network have been banned by the Home Office due to their inflammatory views about Muslims. The revelations will raise questions about […]

An open letter to Angela Eagle about her hypocrisy

You may be aware that a window at the Wallasey constituency office of Labour leadership challenger Angela Eagle was smashed with a brick overnight. Ms Eagle was quick to blame the vandalism on supporters of Jeremy Corbyn, claiming that it was “bullying” against her that had “no place in politics in the UK and it needs to end”. The hypocrisy of […]
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To Prosecute Blair for War You Do Not Need the ICC

To prosecute Tony Blair or George W. Bush or others responsible for the criminal attack on Iraq, or other top officials for other recent wars, does not require the International Criminal Court (ICC). It is commonplace to insist that the ICC cannot handle the supreme crime of aggression, although it might at some point in the future. The United States […]
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The Post-Brexit Ugliness Of The Liberal Left

Those on the liberal left have always prided themselves on being more caring and compassionate than conservatives. People on the right, they insist, are narrow-minded and selfish, beholden to vested interests. They only care about money and themselves. They are bad people. This is one of the most persistent myths of modern times. I’ve never believed it. Selfishness transcends politics. […]
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The Guardian Puts a Positive Spin on Chilcott Findings

It will be no surprise to readers of this blog that I believe Tony Blair should be put on trial for crimes against humanity for assisting George Bush in attacking Iraq in 2003. The Chilcot inquiry, however compromised its members were by their establishment ties and however cautious they were in their use of language, have very belatedly reached the […]
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Tony Blair’s Political Epitaph and Looming War Crimes Trial?

The banners and placards outside London’s Queen Elizabeth 11 Conference Centre – where the findings of the seven year awaited Chilcot Inquiry into the Blair government’s illegal and catastrophic invasion of Iraq were to be revealed – reflected an anger undiminished since maybe two million people marched against the war in the city on February 15th, 2003. Thirty six million are estimated to have demonstrated across the world.