The Corbyn Effect: A British Democratic Revolution in the Making

Following the EU referendum, a friend told me that he had voted to leave.  His reasons were nothing to do with immigration or the democratic deficit in EU institutions. No. He said he just wanted to deliver a slap in the face to the establishment who were lining up to tell him of the dire consequences that would befall the British people if they left the European Union. Isn’t that a bit like cutting off your nose to spite your face, I said. Yes, he replied, but it felt good to puncture the smugness of the high and mighty who hold us with such disdain and contempt.


on 27/09/2016 On Sunday night two establishment media outlets tried to use a veteran-endorsed satirical art project to attack Momentum and Labour. Let us be clear. The superb ‘Army, Be The Meat’ project and the ‘Action Man: Battlefield Casualties‘ films, which were launched 18 months ago, are nothing to do with Labour or Momentum. The credit belongs to the artist […]
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U.S. Coalition Intelligence “Operations Room” Inside Syria, Destroyed by Russian Missile Attack

What is significant is that the Operations Room situated in rebel held territory in the Aleppo region is manned by the main state sponsors of ISIS Daesh and Al Qaeda inside Syria, namely the US, UK (largely involved in the air raids), plus four countries of the region: Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Qatar. The respective roles of the four regional countries relating to recruitment, training, logistics and the financing of terrorism have been amply documented.