Does Syria Have the Right to Defend Itself?

There is a hypocritical disconnect in Western and especially U.S. foreign policy. When it comes to Israel, the US is quick to claim “Israel has a right to defend itself”.  For Syria, that same right does not seem to exist.
Is Israel Defending Itself or Defending Occupation/Apartheid?
When Israel executed intense bombing campaigns against Gaza in 2008, 2012 and 2014 the US justified the attacks. At the United Nations on 18 July 2014, US Ambassador Samantha Power said:

Do Not Give the Nobel Peace Prize 2016 to the Syrian White Helmets

On 29 April, 2016, Syria Solidarity Movement member Vanesa Beeley placed the following petition on Change.org.  On or about 27 September, Change.org removed the petition, citing “violation of community standards”. What community standards? Judge for yourself.
Do Not Give the Nobel Peace Price 2016 to the Syrian White Helmets
To do so would prolong the suffering of the Syrian people and reward the White Helmets for being US and UK Government funded and trained agents of “regime change” in Syria.

The Great Libya War Fraud

National newspapers were ‘unimpressed by Jeremy Corbyn’s victory’ in the Labour leadership election, Roy Greenslade noted in the Guardian, surprising no-one. Corbyn secured almost 62% of the 506,000 votes cast, up from the 59% share he won in 2015, ‘with virtually no press backing whatsoever’. In reality, of course, Corbyn did not just lack press backing. He won in the […]
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Syria Propaganda – The Death Rattle of the Corporate Media

“The role of the corporate media is to protect, promote and legitimize the destructive and amoral aims of profit-seeking private power. Any journalist or columnist working within that system is actively aiding the corporate media achieve this goal. These gatekeepers, especially those regarded as liberal, are therefore culpable in the illegal wars and rapacious, planet-destroying actions of the worst corporations.” […]

Syria on brink of final victory in Aleppo

Whilst all the attention is focused on the diplomacy, the fighting in Aleppo progresses steadily towards what is now starting to look like an inevitable government victory. A review of the key events in the ‘Great Battle of Aleppo’ – likely to be the decisive battle in the Syrian war – is in order.  At the time of the start […]
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Leaked UN report slams UK and US for their role in the Syrian crisis

An internal United Nations report which the public wasn’t supposed to see has just hit the web. And its findings contain some explosive and uncomfortable truths. Western sanctions on Syria, the report says, are harming ordinary civilians the most – preventing hospitals from accessing basic medical equipment and even hindering effective humanitarian aid. The 40-page UN investigation was leaked to The Intercept‘s Rania […]

Socialism’s Dilemma

The most important quality in politics is ideology – the set of values you hold to be both right, and good. The British Tory party, for example, believe in an ideology known as capitalism, an ideology that’s right and good for only a tiny portion of society – the super-rich 1%. For all the rest of us it’s demonstrably bad. The Labour party is supposed to believe in socialism, a set of values that are the exact opposite: bad for the super-rich 1%, good for all the rest of us.