The Despotism of British Sterling

While British Prime Minister, Theresa May, keeps insisting that Brexit pathway will be a smooth, relatively painless process filled without dramatic compromise to lifestyle and outlook, the traders, stockbrokers and wolves of the City have gone about their own business. They, the suggestion goes, knew better, whereas the idiotic Brexiteer ventured to the ballot in total ignorance.

Respect Local Democracy and Keep Britain Frack-Free

What is it with this government and fracking? They seem to be obsessed with drilling; the proven safe and truly renewable wind and solar energies are not for them. They want the earth penetrated by drilling and the injection of high pressure water, laced with a cocktail of nasty chemicals and sand, to frack the hell out of the rocks beneath our beautiful countryside.

Can a World War still be avoided?

Events around the Syrian crisis are accelerating, and reveal the depth of the conflict between the Atlantist camp and the Russo-Chinese block. After having observed the growing risk of a generalised war – conventional or even nuclear - Thierry Meyssan analyses the manœuvres of the United States and Russia’s responses to them.
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Syria’s Heroic Fight Against Western Imperialism

It is hard to imagine a more resilient, more heroic nation than Syria!
With only 17 million inhabitants (according to the 2014 estimate), Syria is now facing the mightiest coalition on Earth – a coalition that consists of virtually all traditional Western colonialist and neo-colonialist nations.
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Barbarism in Words and Deeds

In the present context Power’s charges of barbarism against Russia and Syria was used to justify the US aerial bombardment of a Syrian army outpost, which killed and maimed almost 200 government troops engaged in combating ISIS terrorists and jihadi invaders.
In other words, accusing Syrian soldiers of ‘barbarism’ was Ambassador Power’s cynical way of dehumanizing the young victims of an earlier and deliberate US war crime.
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Syrian Woman to the West: Don’t Believe Your Countries’ Lies

Our country was free before you decided to “regime change” us. We had jobs. We had homes. We went to school. We lived normal lives. Our country was one of the top safest tourist destinations in the world. Now we suffer daily bombings. We endure savage “economic sanctions.”
Why do you accept the war crimes against us? Why do you accept the lies about us?
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