Turkish occupation of Cyprus must end

It would be inconceivable to imagine that in 2017 a European state, an EU member state no less, could possibly be illegally occupied by a foreign power.
Far from being inconceivable, it is reality for Cyprus, whose north-eastern territory remains occupied by illegal Turkish forces.
With President Erdogan continuing to bite off more than he can chew, Russia ought to use northern Cyprus as a bargaining tool in any offers of assistance that Russia may make to Erdogan to preserve his rule.

Is Syrian ‘civil war’ coming to an end?

How could 5000 IS fighters cross the desert in Syria, not once but twice, to attack the ancient city of Palmyra, without western military and intelligence agencies being aware? Has this question ever been asked by journalists from the corporate media in the UK and US? This discussion on Indian TV is what we are truly lacking in the west.
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New Year’s Message From BSNews: What Do We Really Want For Our Kids?

I’ve decided never to do anything I don’t want ever again as my New Year’s resolution! I don’t like making New Year’s resolutions actually so I’ve failed quite early on there – but from now on I won’t be doing a single thing I don’t want to! I don’t do much I don’t want to as it is to be […]
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Emancipation Rebellion Heirs: Don’t Grin and Bear Jamaica’s Oppression!

Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.
— Frederick Douglass, abolitionist, feminist and political figure

‘Guardian’ newspaper fails to support colleague facing deportation threat from Israeli government

Israel is reported to be ready to expel an award-winning Australian journalist and writer, Antony Loewenstein, after he asked a too-probing question of an Israeli politician at a media event last week. Government officials have said they are investigating how they can deny him his work visa when it comes up for renewal in March. It is unsurprising to learn […]

We should respect military tradition – by unionising the army

The first professional army in these islands was a hothouse of debate and democracy. With the 370th anniversary of the New Model’s finest hour approaching, it is time to examine what it means to be a soldier or veteran in Britain today. Buff-coated, blood-stained To lean on the work of Geoffrey Robertson QC, one of the great biographers of the […]
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