The entire modern copyright was built on one fundamental assumption that the Internet has reversed

Copyright Monopoly: When the copyright monopoly was reinstated in 1710, the justification was that of publishing being many orders of magnitude more expensive than authoring, and so without it, nothing would get published. But the Internet has reversed this assumption completely: publishing is now many orders of magnitude cheaper than writing the piece you want to publish.

The REAL Friends of Syria

In stark contrast to the warmongers, criminals and their sycophants in the corporate media and NGO complex, the true friends of Syria are seldom seen on the nightly news. True friends are those who, in these times of fake news and war propaganda embroidered to a degree Edward Bernays could barely imagine, give voice to the voiceless.
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Dossiers, Make Believe and Fantasy

London — Morning breakfast news on the BBC’s Radio Four on Friday was a delightful affair filled with discussions on Russia (when do we not talk about that busy, stirring Bear these days?), Donald Trump, dossiers and the intelligence fraternity. Did it even matter that various sources have been unverified, subject matter lumped together in cumbersome conversations on fake news, sexual frolics and the like?

Rank Hypocrisy at UK Foreign Office

It is no exaggeration to suggest that in the past century alone the UK has been at the forefront of the bloody industry that is modern war and has done everything possible to avoid and disrupt the peace. Barely a year has gone by since the end of the second world war when the British military were not fighting and killing in some far off country
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Climate Change: The Potential Impacts of Collective Inaction

In the early 1900s when the idea that industrialisation could potentially result in global warming was first posited, the consensus was that it was unlikely, and in any case, an increase in temperature was to be welcomed. What possible harm could it do?
Well, we are now witnessing the widespread consequences of climate change. Destructive, life-threatening effects, which demand a fundamental shift in the way we are living if we are to preserve the integrity of the planet, and protect the rich abundance of life on Earth.
Warmer year on year