Rehabilitating Bush – The Deadly Illusion Of Corporate Dissent

The title of the editorial said it all: ‘The Guardian view on George W Bush: a welcome return’ In a tongue-in-cheek, almost jovial, piece the Guardian unsubtly rehabilitated a man responsible for crimes that are among the most egregious in all history. Bush was responsible for the destruction of an entire country, the killing of one million Iraqis, the wounding […]

Electoral Interference as Reality: A Brief History

We should not forget the encouragement: hack those emails, extolled Donald J. Trump during the presidential campaign in 2016.  It was the first public evocation of its sort, an invitation to a foreign power, in this case Russia, to indulge in cyber activity that has now been described by various US members of congress as “an act of war”.
The excitement has turned, less on the issue of what the material revealed – suitably damaging, impairing and even disabling of, for instance, the Clinton campaign – but the fact of hacking itself.  US sovereignty, goes the cry, was breached.

Bravo Marx Memorial Library & Workers’ School

Tonight the excellent Vanessa Beeley gave another important and crucial talk on Syria - 'Aleppo - Fall or Liberation?'. The implicit question in the title alluded to gulf between the western corporate media's interpretation and reporting of events in East Aleppo during December 2016 and the reality on the ground as seen by Vanessa and other independent witnesses, including the Reverend Andrew Ashdown, who were there to see first hand the liberation of the thousands of civilians held captive for over four years.

Who is the Biggest Climate Change Villain?

Here is an exclusive the Guardian has held back from its readers for 26 years. It is finally published on its pages today.
In 1991 the Shell oil company produced a half-hour film, Climate of Concern, for showing in schools and universities, that set out the dangers of climate change, apparently with unnerving accuracy. The Guardian calls the film “prescient”.

5 Signs We’re Headed Toward a Major War

(ANTIMEDIA) In January of this year, former Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev warned that the whole world is preparing for war. There are many indicators that back up Gorbachev’s assertion, but to discuss them in their entirety would take a dissertation or two. Instead, we have put together a list of the five most obvious signs of impending war currently being overlooked by the media. As a result of these oversights, the public is also missing them.
1. Travel Ban