The Woody Biomass Blunder

One of the most controversial fixes for global warming is the use of woody biomass, cutting trees, burning trees to achieve “carbon neutral” status in the worldwide battle to conquer climate change/global warming. The term carbon neutral (which is not the same as zero carbon and not a scientific term) when used to distinguish a […]
The post The Woody Biomass Blunder first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Elites Buy Us off with Trivial Protections while They Raid the Common Wealth

In these posts I try to highlight how our social, cultural and political structures are rigged to reflect the interests of an economic elite and maintain their power. Because the forces that shape those structures are largely invisible – we mainly notice the people and buildings inside these structures – the way power operates can […]

Emails To BBC Journalist Lebo Diseko re ‘Stitch Up’ of Vaccine Campaigner Michael Chaves

Note: Youtube, in a blatant act of censorship, removed the full interview from my channel. I will try again but have linked to the video on Telegram below. Below are my two emails to BBC ‘journalist’ (I refuse to use that title here without inverted commas) Lebo Diseko after her interview with Michael Chaves, the man who has become a […]

Lies, Lies and Nuclear Submarines

It looked like something of an ambush, but a coterie of Australian journalists had their man where they wanted him.  Between sessions at the G20 Summit in Rome, and French President Emmanuel Macron found himself blunter than usual.  The sundering of the relationship between Australia and France over the new trilateral security relationship between Canberra, […]
The post Lies, Lies and Nuclear Submarines first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The CIA, Empty Assurances and Assange’s Defence

The second day of appellate proceedings by the United States against Julian Assange saw the defence make their case against the overturning of District Court Judge Vanessa Baraitser’s January ruling.  Any extradition to the US, she concluded, would be so oppressive to the publisher as to render it unjust under UK extradition law.  Before the […]
The post The CIA, Empty Assurances and Assange’s Defence first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Chris Williamson Interviews Daniel Fooks

Former Labour MP, Chris Williamson, who was suspended from the Labour Party after becoming the victim of an antisemitism smear, recently interviewed renowned artist Daniel Fooks at the Festival Of Resistance in Nottingham. They discuss, among other things, Fooks’ spat with Billy Bragg, Kier Starmer, and vaccine passports. A great watch.
The post Chris Williamson Interviews Daniel Fooks appeared first on BSNEWS.

Congress, Skulduggery and the Assange Case

Is the imperium showing suspicions about its intended quarry?  It is hard to believe it, but the US House Intelligence Committee is on a mission of discovery.  Its subject: a Yahoo News report disclosing much material that was already in the public domain on the plot to kidnap or, failing that, poison Julian Assange.  Given […]
The post Congress, Skulduggery and the Assange Case first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Significant Changes of Direction by the West in Relation to China

Two recent articles have recently appeared in the Russian journal Strategic Culture that point to significant changes that are occurring among western nations toward Russia and China. These changes have been in the wind for some time but in recent months the tempo has accelerated. Both Russia and China are pointing the way to a […]

Over 500 scholars launch fightback against Israel lobby

Hundreds of international scholars have begun a fightback against pro-Israel lobbyists who have been scoring increasingly high-profile victories on UK campuses as they seek to curb academic freedoms under the guise of stamping out antisemitism. Glasgow university officials have found themselves in the eye of a storm this week, accused of “capitulating” in two separate […]

Over 500 Scholars Launch Fightback Against Israel Lobby’s Antisemitism Smear of UK Academics

The question, raised by the petition and letter of complaint, is whether universities like Glasgow will continue to submit to such attacks on academic life under the cover of false or evidence-free claims of anti-Semitism.
The post Over 500 Scholars Launch Fightback Against Israel Lobby’s Antisemitism Smear of UK Academics appeared first on MintPress News.